I am, of course, referring to the number of hits that the Sackings in HCT Abu Dhabi thread on Dave's ESL Cafe has registered since June 8, the day of the multiple sackings at ADWC. That figure represents more than 200 views per day over the past two months.
Interesting stats, eh? They say that there's no such thing as bad publicity, but ... erm ... I wouldn't be banking on HR doing a lot of inductions for new teaching staff at ADWC this month or next!
I hear that the ADWC supervisors will ALL be doing teaching duties this coming semester. Perhaps even The Claw will have to put in 20 hours a week of chalk-face labour.
That would actually be very enlightening - we can then all see just what an exemplary educator she is!
BTW, I'm sad to see her knocked off top spot of this blog. Isn't there some way to keep the posting about her at the top for keeps?
Maybe a way for the CLAW to make up for her miscalculation is to admit that sacking people based on paranoid thinking and power-grabbing was wrong and make nice-nice to those whose lives and their family's lives she so wontonly ruined.
But, then again, that'd be the big person's way out. Not likely that she would take that route, eh?
It's too bad that someone doesn't have HESN's ear or private email. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to know how one of his systems is being looked at...
O.K., here's another number, since we're keeping score:
Which is the number of pages that you have to go back on the UAE board on Dave's to find the next thread that has MORE views that the "Sackings" thread. It's name? "Salary at HCT?"
It's last post?
"I "turned down" a job interview with HCT in Jan/Feb 2010 after a "succesful, you have been selected towork for us but we're not sure where etc" interview in October 2009 which I "passed" and was waiting for an offer. check back this discussion/and my other posts for info (it wasnt a "teacher" role specificaly).
Now, I've been told, I was a good candidate - I had the neccesary qualifications (a Bsc (hons), an MA in a education field, 9 years working in a University, 4 years working in the IT industry) and that I could apply again in the future for similiar positions at HCT. This was for a non-teaching role."
Why is this significant? I helped this individual make his decision as a "sounding board on the ground" at the ADWC where a job was eventually offered.
The viewing figures now exceed 15,000 - that's another 2000 views in less than two weeks!!
In just 10 weeks (today), those views have surpassed the last "Stickie" above it that has been posted for six and a half YEARS!
Way to go, idiots!!!
Whoa - that's some achievement! The Claw must be really proud of itself. And so must TK!
Another high number, and a record to boot - 99. That's the number of replies the original posting has received to date!
When are we going to find out who Miss Piggy is? I'm waiting impatiently for this installment.
Is Miss Piggy none other than Jeanette Drissy?
Oh yes, Miss P is definitely JD!
Watch out for Miss Piggy's very own blog-posting soon. Just think, at last, all the attention that the porky hairdo has been craving!!
and where is the link to this blog? and will we be able to comment on it?
"When are we going to find out who Miss Piggy is? I'm waiting impatiently for this installment."
How could anyone not see the resemblence? I too am looking forward an expose of this two-faced back-stabbing porker.
What's not been mentioned here so far is the unfortunate case of the Quality Control bod, who was fired just a couple of hours before she was due to go on holiday.
Cruel, or what? For ADWC, it's just about par, I'd say.
That figure is closer to 20,000 views now. Impressive, eh?
Should hit 30,000 soon in the New Year. Some achievement, what?!
That figure's nearing 50k now.
Almost 60,000 hits now!
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