Teacher 1. I thought was doing fine at my new college (ADWC) until the department had a new supervisor appointed in the middle of the academic year. From that moment on, everything that I did appeared to be wrong, and I was constantly criticized in front of both students and colleagues. In the end the whole business got me down so much that I had to quit at the end of the year.
What happened to me? Well, I had begun to suffer from nightmares, had trouble sleeping, felt almost constantly jumpy, and my family noticed that I had become persistently grumpy and negative. I seemed to pick up every small illness that was going round the college, leading me to take many days off sick, which of course led to even more criticism from my supervisor, and caused a good deal of friction with my colleagues, who resented having to cover my classes so frequently.
My supervisor was extremely artful in persistently devaluing and demeaning my contributions to the department and harassing me to complete work (which I had readily volunteered to do) or do it again. Apparently, my standards of work were not high enough for HCT!
Later I discovered I was not the only one who had suffered at the hands of this supervisor. A chance meeting with a teacher from another HCT college revealed the same grisly truth about this inadequate sociopath.
Teacher 2. I was also bullied by the same supervisor, but at a previous HCT college. Unfortunately I used to get very upset about what was said to or about me, and I would try to forget about it by drinking. I eventually found the verbal intimidation and stress too much, experienced failing health, and also had to resign at the end of the academic year.
I was team leader when the new supervisor was appointed, and it immediately became clear that we had lost one very competent manager and unfortunately gained a social inadequate, one who managed to virtually destroy the department after a few weeks of arriving. Within a month, three of my colleagues were needing medical treatment as a result of the new supervisor’s actions, and staff would regularly be seen breaking down in tears on campus.
This supervisor’s approach to staff motivation usually consisted of making disparaging personal remarks, employing passive-aggressive behaviour, spreading malicious gossip, passing off ideas generated by others as their own, and even resorting to the occasional use of abusive language to myself and other teachers. Many others were also affected by this behaviour, and complaints were made to the Director, yet no real action was ever taken. Just before I left the bully had even co-opted a colleague to participate in completely ostracising me from the team. In the end, I had to leave a job which I loved, while my former ‘colleague’ took the post of team leader.
We all need to stand up to these pathetic and wretched individuals, which the warped HCT management system produces with such apparent regularity. If these bullies are allowed to continue their campaigns of vendetta and intimidation, they ultimately wreck people's minds and make their lives utterly miserable - just like the bully’s own miserable and pathetic life, in fact. The only effective response to this sort of workplace bullying is to expose the perpetrators for what they truly are - useless, degrading, and rubbish individuals. Hopefully, through this blog, we can do just that.
I’ll reveal the name of this ADWC supervisor very soon. Before I do, let’s have the cruel bastard sweat some first!
Got me there. Who could it be?!
My money's on a former IT or Business dept head.
What about yours?
The only one on that list that I know personally is Debbie Wheeler. What a shame. She was one of the most dedicated, hard working people at the HCT.
I hope she at least had the option to transfer back to ADM.
May the perpetrators rot in HELL!
Poor Jace Hargis! He will never know what the CLAW has done to him until it is too late. She will “train him up” and out the door. Well maybe he can add to his photo collection at http://teach2learn.be/jace-hargis-phd.html. Jace, start looking for a job while you have one.
Oh, Jace knows alright - he's the ultimate 5th columnist!
Maybe Drummond can help him find work. Mark has been wanting to leave for more than a year.
but nno one wants him
ewwww...excuse me - whilst i die BARFING. (referring to the fling site...)
Needs to get out while he's sure to get his End of Service award.
That may not be for long.
Looks like Mark's wanting to get his End Serviced too!
Good thing his wife cannot speak/read English. She can say, "you buy me!" but I donot think she would buy his story, whatever it is, for the Fling site
What a loathsome jerk MD is. He certainly reflects no good on HCT. Or maybe he IS the reflection of HCT?
Geez Loo-eeze,
Who is the awful 'supervisor' or Chair. Enough already!
Actually I have to admit that I don't know who this ogre of a 'snooperviser' is - the writers of the piece wouldn't let on.
Despite my supplications, the ladies concerned are turning a deaf ear.
Probably it's just a matter of time, eh?!
Try those persuasive canine skills of yours, Poops - woof-woof!!
Current rumor is that 'poops' has pooped off to...Bahrain!
Any leads on that one, anybody?
Who, pray tell is "poops".
Are we getting to be like anal retentive Dave's where we can't mention names anymore?
I do believe that that the monicker 'poops' is a reference to none other than PP (Poodle Pelham) himself.
And if he has actually taken a job in Bahrain, how come I saw him in AD just last week?
'Poops' is alive and well and still working in the UAE, as the HCT Goon Squad all know.
And we'd like to wish them all a prosperous 2012. Here's looking forward to tormenting them further!
I had a boss like that once. I smacked him in the face when he swore at me in front of all the other teachers in the staffroom. He was absolutely startled, as was I - I'm not the type to pick fights, but I was just so overcome by the injustice of his verbal attack on me, and the fact that he assumed he had the right to humiliate me in front of everybody.
Amazingly I was not sacked, as the Principal (and all the other teachers) knew that he deserved it. In fact, he was an alcoholic, and soon left the school, after many such episodes of attempting to demean teachers.
Seems like I'm lucky I never worked in the Gulf!
HCT's problems in recruiting have been exposed here:
As you sow, so shall ye reap, Tubby!!!
People .. please read extra carefully before joining this hellish corrupted unprofessional demons reside. Thanks to these web sites so that people can learn before making decisions. During the recruitment process, all seems as if they work professionally. The minute one signs the contract, that is the beginning of the end of your life. BE CAREFUL real people ................. Information from these web sites are real
I agree, and absolutely. After one year at HCT I have decided to leave, as it's NOTHING like they promised it would be.
The 'students' are immature animals, whose retarded behaviour is actually defended and protected by the 'goons' in management. These same 'managers' will not lose an opportunity to slap you down for the slightest perceived misdemeanour.
HCT is an awful place, with disgusting managers and students. Avoid it unless you really have no other job to go to!!
WELL STATED !!! If you are a true professional, please avoid HCT.
I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with anonymous above. ...... "HCT is an awful place, with disgusting managers and students. Avoid it unless you really have no other job to go to!!"
Managers are assholes and blatantly refuse to listen to the teachers even though teachers are innocent.
They fire teachers without having proper reason or evidence to back up their claim.
You will learn fast when you reach HCT like rude awakening. Please think very carefully before it is toooo late...
Avoid working in the math department at Abu Dhabi WC at all cost. The chair JT is very unprofessional, he turns one faculty against another in order to justify his inability to manage the dept. He knows no real maths and has no real management skills other than licking his superiors arse. He favours the faculty who say yes to him unequivocally.
JT has no management skills, just survival skills. Ass-licking and patronising are the main elements in his toolkit!
Just avoid working at HCT period ... That will save your soul. At least director and ass director are gone now. One should see how corrupt the director was.
I don't think the outgoing director was corrupt. The CS is corrupt. The director had good intentions to make ADWC a better place, he saw SC as the obstacle, so in the end he gave up and gave in to the chairs maneuvers to keep the place under their control.
JT's wasta is Senthil Nathan in the central services, who is VC Kamali's ears. Johnson Thomas survives only because of his wasta; without him he has no place at HCT. JT cannot find a job in the real world.
Both CS and the sacked director were corrupt. How can you force the teachers to use iPad in the classroom without even finding out whether some of the subjects can not integrate iPad. After the integration, when the students' grades were not good, he tried to manipulate grades to secure his position. Any professional would not approve of that act .........
Grade manipulation is not new at ADWC, dept heads encourage that all the time to secure their positions. Mind you that iPad implementation was not the director's big idea. The plan was there before he came, because people higher up saw financial profit in its implementation. Grade inflation after iPad implementation was necessary for the HCT's image as the pioneers of iPads in classroom.
In addition,
The real corruption at any level in that country, or at HCT for that matter, is arguably the fact that they implemented iPad so forcefully before there was solid research behind iPad as the one and only tool in classrooms.
How sad the entire education system of HCT or UAE as a whole
I agree with all the comments posted here regarding JT. He has commendable survival skills and definitely no leaderdership qualities and for that matter no skills atall. He himself is aware that he has no career outside of HCT. Do you believe now that Senthil and Kamali gone, JT has no real "wasta" left? Do you think he will soon be replaced?
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