Her academic achievement are few, having left school back in 1964 with unimpressive qualifications, and not gaining her first (and only) degree until 2000. The reason why the loathsome Luscombe-Shyte has attained such a high position in the HCT heirarchy owes more to her contacts - wasta - than her abilities and her qualifications. Hence the name of 'The Claw', due to her ability to claw her way up.
Another theory suggests that it relates to the harsh, clawing sound of the wind passing through her teeth as she lies through them, which is one of her habitual modes of engagement. Or probably it's something to do with that RP voice, the upper class knife-grinding machine, which probably leaves a lot of local people impressed, but leaves others feeling like they have clawed by a rake. Ouch!!
After starting her career many years ago at Dubai Women's college she moved on to RAK, where she claimed to have been Director, and a PhD holder to boot! There she proved to be as popular as dogshit, and she was later sent to ADWC, to spread her particular brand of fear and loathing in her twilight years.
Her management approach appears to be inspired by either Taylor or McGregor. Taylor atempted to reduce or remove the factor of human variability in employment, ensuring that workers were treated as machines rather than human beings with active minds. Sound familiar?
As for McGregor, wikipedia reports thus:
Theory X
In this theory, which has been proven counter-effective in most modern practice, management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they inherently dislike work. As a result of this, management believes that workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. A hierarchical structure is needed with narrow span of control at each and every level. According to this theory, employees will show little ambition without an enticing incentive program and will avoid responsibility whenever they can. According to Michael J. Papa, if the organizational goals are to be met, theory X managers rely heavily on threat and coercion to gain their employee's compliance. Beliefs of this theory lead to mistrust, highly restrictive supervision, and a punitive atmosphere. The Theory X manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone. He or she thinks all prospective employees are only out for themselves. Usually these managers feel the sole purpose of the employee's interest in the job is money. They will blame the person first in most situations, without questioning whether it may be the system, policy, or lack of training that deserves the blame. A Theory X manager believes that his or her employees do not really want to work, that they would rather avoid responsibility and that it is the manager's job to structure the work and energize the employee.
Well, if that ain't The Claw, I'm Poodle Pelham's lapdog!
Mercifully, given the old dragon's advancing years, she will not be around these parts to inflict her particular style of mismanagement practice for much longer. But for some of us, her departure can't come soon enough!
Toodle-pip, old girl!
Coming next: a double-header - the gruesome twosome, Dimbo AND Miss Piggy!
Oh, what a lady, what a sexpot! We all miss her SO much here in RAK!
Ah yes, the so called Director of RAK-what a TOSSER! The term sociopath/pschyopath comes to mind! No empathy, no ethics and certainly NO PROFESSIONALISM!
I too suffered under this retched excuse for a so called educator, she is a fruitloop, could not get a job in the real world! To all those people who think she lifted the RAK colleges scores is incorrect, in fact RAK were doing really well before she came and caused chaos! The good news is she out of RAK and the bad news she is at ADWC! Sorry for you:( But the good news is that she is getting on :)Also I believe the term THE CLAW was invented by the RAK contingent:)
At DWC, she was known as trolley, apparently due to her history as an air-hostess...can't see it myself....
Yes, she was a trolley-dolly, which is how she met her husband, Nigel the pilot, and provides more evidence of her ability to suck up to superiors and gain ultimate benefit from it.
I have no idea whether Nigel is still about, but if he's still working as a pilot, I guess he doesn't have to stay with The Claw too often - lucky man!!
I can hardy wait for the next instalment in which we hear of the gruesome twosome, Dimbo and Miss Piggy. I have no doubt that Miss Piggy is sucking up to the new boss. She's such a two-faced brown nose.
Anticipation is also building for this amongst their fans at ADMC.
The Claw has been on overdrive this week, making at least half a dozen sackings of staff who are deemed to be not 'pliable' enough.
Take a look on Dave's ESL Cafe...
Clearly this is DEFINITELY a place to avoid at all costs now!
Where on earth will they find the mugs and suckers to replace the half-dozen teachers who were sacked for no reason? And why do they even think that teachers would want to work at a place that dishes out arbitrary sackings?
It's staggeringly stupid - but that's par for HCT these days.
It has since emerged that those 5 or 6 teachers were dismissed because they were suspected of being linked to this blog.
Note the word 'suspected' there - nothing was proven at all, but the mere suspicion of 'unpatriotic' behaviour is enough to get you sacked at ADWC!
For those stupid and cowardly managers at ADWC who have dismissed entirely innocent teachers for no reason at all, let me spell it out for you again: the author of this blog does not work at AWDC, or even HCT, anymore.
Actually, let me give you a clue about my identity. Firstly, I'm not an English teacher - not a teacher at all, in fact. And secondly, I left ADWC in 2009.
Now, get your thinking caps on, and get back to me when you've made the correct answer!
So Poodle Pelham (whoever you are) - what you're saying is your personal vendetta against "Dimbo", "Miss Piggy" et al has led to six entirely innocent teachers loosing their jobs? Wow, you must be really proud.
PP:"Now, get your thinking caps on, and get back to me when you've made the correct answer!
Hmmm, I reckon the 6 unfortunate teachers who've lost their jobs due to your antics would certainly be keen to find out your secret identity...
Oh common on Exir Row & previoius dopey post....this post has NOTHING to do with the teachers being sacked..it ALL has to with the a certain person who just doesn/t like the way you look at her! Actually, I bet she never engages in social activities with the faculty, only the management! Cos she would NEVER lower herself tobe seen with faculty!
Au contraire 10.14, the Poodle has put himself on the record stating the Unlucky Six were "dismissed because they were suspected of being linked to this blog" (see for yourself, four posts above). I have no idea if this is so or not, but given Poodle himself believes six of his "entirely innocent" former colleagues have now lost their jobs due to his blogging antics, rather than gleefully taunting people to guess his identity, Poodle really should be hanging his head in shame...
(...and watching his back: didn't one of the faculty who've now been dismissed earlier threaten to beat the living snot out of anyone risking his livelihood by associating his name with this blog? Pretty sure I remember seeing this in the comments of 'ADWcarp' or whatever it was then called, the previous version of this blog that eventually sank under the weight of it's own bile and homophobia.)
No, actually, it was "ït'll take half the fuckin'school to pull me offa your corpse" if I remember correctly. He was uncovered and eliminated. 'Nuff said.
Gosh - how awfully 'street'.
Come on Christain, admit it's you - we all know anyway!
There's certainly some funny logic going on around here.....
So some joker puts up a blog ripping the piss out of his incompetent and nasty bosses, and those same nasty incompetent managers, in their complete ignorance, fire off a salvo against anybody they think might be behind it.
And this is the fault of .... the joker? According to some of the messages above (from the management, no doubt), it is!
Well, to us more intelligent beings, it looks rather like a Nazi response to when the French Resistance pop off a kraut - shoot half a dozen peasants!
So, who's to blame - the Resistance, or the Nazis?
AO: thanks for trying, but it is actually the fault of the "joker".
If the result of the joker's "ripping the piss" was a score of 6-nil instead of nil-6, then maybe your silly French Resistance "popping off a kraut" analogy might have made some sense. But, as it currently stands, while all the HCT managers that Poodle Pelham has grudges against still seem to be gainfully employed, six entirely blameless ex-ADW faculty are having to pack up their lives here at the moment. Mr Poodle reckons they were dismissed because they were suspected of being linked to this blog (even though he himself admits they are completely innocent). I put it to you Agent Oragne, do you think any of them would be inclined to see the "joke"?
So the French Resistence consisted of a few skulking malcontents bitching and whinging anonymously on a blog? Did not know that.
See you've both missed the point entirely. Guess you really HAVE to be ADWC management goons!
No, by now here's the only point that's relevant: the merry capers on this blog have already caused serious harm to your faculty colleagues back at ADW and you should stop, for their sakes. NOT harm to the management, but serious, irreversable harm to your former teaching colleagues - 6 of whom even the vainglorious Poodle himself admits were completely innocent, yet apparently lost their jobs because of a perceived connection to what's going on here. Plese go crawl back under your rock before you get any more of us fired.
Fact is, all the sackings have achieved is to upset and cause severe inconvenience a lot of totally innocent faculty members and their families. The Claw knows that, but she doesn't care. How could she be so stupid as to believe that the problem of this blog will be solved by sacking innocent people?
No, the blog will continue. The Claw has committed an enormous error, and soon she'll realise how big her mistake has been.
Now is not the time to stop. It's EXACTLY the time to continue, and with even greater force.
If, as you say, you left ADWC in 2009 (before CLW even came to AD), and you weren't an English teacher (so therefore nothing to do with 'Dimbo' or "miss Piggy'), why do you still care what goes on at the college?? Can't be that you're nobly standing up for your former colleagues because - as the comment above shows - you frankly don't give a flying fart about them or their families, and if, in the course of your crusade, any more of us happen to be "severely inconvenienced" (your lame eupehmism for SACKED AND GIVEN 30 DAYS TO PACK UP THEIR LIVES AND LEAVE THE COUNTRY), seems that we're justifable collatoral damage in your eyes. Seriously, please stop.
Yes, and who sacked them and gave them 30 days to clear out? PP? Or the management goons at ADWC? Stop trying to twist the truth, Goddo.
As for your entreaty to pack things in, Poodle Pelham has no reason to stop. The enemy have fired their big guns, taken out what they thought was the front line, and they think the war's over. But the allies are reforming, and the fight has only moved up to another level - there will be plenty more battles to come yet!.
And why? Well, injustice and incompetence need to be highlighted and fought against - that's always been the case. Our chosen industry is education, and we have the RIGHT and the DUTY to expose malpractice wherever we see it. But you probably wouldn't appreciate that, would you, Goddo?!
You and your apologist cronies might claim different, and hide behind a facade of compassion for your fallen 'colleagues', but your craven statements make no sense. It would be pointless to give up the struggle at the first hurdle, and an insult to the memory of those teachers who were unfairly victimised by TK and The Claw.
Rumors in the Gulag 41012 Faculty room soon after the sackings whiuspered that the 'miscreants' had been shopped by a couple of their 'colleagues' for their allegedly anti-HCT remarks and attitudes.
Well done, those upstanding and brave 'colleagues' - JP (female) and BK (male). Your place in HCT's Hallowed Hall of Despicable Brown-nosers is assured!
Yes Jo Probert has a history of 'reporting' people for comments and 'attitude'. Unfortunately what she reports is not always true - she uses it to settle personal scores. Keep very quiet when you are near her. The same goes for Brian
I presume you mean slimy little Brian Knight - not the nice Brian who was sacked?
And 'JP' = Jo Probert, eh? Who'd've EVER thought it?!
Welll...EVERYBODY knows that Steve's her boy toy!!!
Ah, yes - the mafia-like Greek triad, the 'insiders': Jo P, Dimbo, and Mr SMuggs.
Wwhere would ADWC be without them?!
Oh, and another thing .....
Ain't it strange how the HCT apologist 'Godwin' has gone all silent since Jo P got mentioned on these pages?
Well, not really strange at all, I guess!!
Certainly the general feeling with JP and BK should be 'trust them as far as you can throw them'. A right pair of slimy toads.
Now...why, oh, why would you want to give slimy toads a bad rap???
Wrong again, I'm neither of the people you've cravenly gone and smeared by name above. And I’m certainly not defending or apologizing for the ADWC management. All I've done is point out that despite lame comparisons to the French Resistence, so far your noble struggle against injustice seems to solely consist of whining anonymously on a blog, something that takes neither guts nor integrity. And that the only outcome so far has been six innocent colleagues losing their jobs.
While I think this would give any decent person some pause about what they are doing, going by what Suede says above, it's pretty clear that you DO in fact see those innocent staff as acceptable collatoral damage in your epic crusade. I'm sure that's a great comfort to all of them, as they and their families fly off with canceled visas to unemployment.
Suede goes on to say "it would be pointless to give up the struggle at the first hurdle, and an insult to the memory of those teachers who were unfairly victimised.." OK, here's a practical suggestion - to prevent others being "unfairly victimised", why not step up and personally take your greivances to the management or their management and demand a redress? (Or just go on posting here if you like, but from now on using your own names). Then no else unwittingly gets caught in the crossfire.
Godwin, if you're so against "whining anonymously on a blog" why don't you use your real name too? I'm sure that 'PP' would be happy to folow your example.
Also, your suggestion that 'PP' should "step up and personally take your greivances to the management or their management and demand a redress" gave me the biggest laught for a long while. In the Magic Kingdom, and indeed at HCT in general, such people tend to have rather short lives.
But keep up the comical remarks - you're providing some real entertainment round here!
I agree with Godwin. It's quite frightening and entirely disproportionate how just one unbalanced individual can do so much damage to the college.
The Sheikh should give the old cunt TK the push!
He would if he could, but HESN is ticklish and TK's mustache makes him giggle!
Anonymous July 19 2:05pm: Godwin, if you're so against "whining anonymously on a blog" why don't you use your real name too? I'm sure that 'PP' would be happy to folow your example.
To Anon (ironic, huh?) – I didn’t start this. No, the onus lies with Poodle&co to show some real courage and integrity. It takes neither to publically identify people by their real names and photographs and then anonymously them slag off.
Also, your suggestion that 'PP' should "step up and personally take your greivances to the management or their management and demand a redress" gave me the biggest laught for a long while. In the Magic Kingdom, and indeed at HCT in general, such people tend to have rather short lives.
Yes indeed they do, but at least it puts no one else’s job at risk. Unfortunately the approach PP&co has chosen to take – the faux bravado of insulting people they work with in ways they wouldn’t dare say to their faces – has apparently led to six enitrely innocent faculty losing their jobs. It’s astonishing to me that PP, Suede etc seem utterly unconcerned about this: PP’s only response was to crow exultantly that the management bagged the wrong people, and Suede seems to think they were all just fair game in the epic struggle (“The enemy have fired their big guns, taken out what they thought was the front line…”) . As I said, I’m sure it's a great comfort to our dismissed colleagues and their families that you see them as cannon fodder, sacrificed just so you can continue calling people things like "faggot" and "excreta".
But keep up the comical remarks - you're providing some real entertainment round here!
No – as I said, I’m not defending or apologizing for the ADWC management: just pointing out some uncomfortable truths about the consequences of your actions and its effects on the rest of us.
No, the 'effects, of this blog have all been instigated by ADWC management. PP is innocent. He just started waving the flag - it was The Claw who started shooting at it.
If you're so worried about your job, Godwin, just don't go near the blog and doen't even mention it at work. Simple really.
Oh - and take a look the names on the link. Remember 'Serpico'?
Godwin, 'PP' ain't gonna go away, so stop wasting your time. Why do you keep banging on about things?
Very strange, unless ... you're one of the management goons who has been featured on here! So THAT'S why you claim to be a teacher in fear of your job - you're a GOON in fear of your job!!
Khalifaexile: Very strange, unless ... you're one of the management goons who has been featured on here! So THAT'S why you claim to be a teacher in fear of your job - you're a GOON in fear of your job!!
Wrong. several of the people who were dismissed were my friends. Maybe they'd still have their jobs if it wasn't for this blog.
And Ww - more 'poison pen' than courageous Serpico-style 'whistleblowing', I think (remember the post "Gay News - [Person's real name and photo] is a Faggot"?)
Yes, we do remember the 'Dmitri is a Faggot' posting, but it was no more humiliating than many of the actions of the 'man' himself, in my opinion.
Dimbo was protected by his status as part of the junior management team. I can recall him bowling up to me one day, addressing me gruffly by my surname, and making a couple of uncalled-for remarks and suggestions. If I'd told him what I felt and was thinking, he could have sacked me there and then - or just later. No protection from bullies, you see, in the Gulf - and even less at HCT.
So he got his own back, and now he's acting as sweet as pie. Problem solved?
"If I'd told him what I felt and was thinking, he could have sacked me there and then - or just later." - Well, exactly. So if anyone has anything they want to get off their chest but wants to keep their job they will do so here rather than face to face, in a necessarily more constructive manner, with the superior concerned. Seems pretty obvious to me. To condemn the contributors to this blog for the sacking of blameless fellow professionals by management is just absurd. It makes about as much sense as thinking a rape victim shouldn't have been wearing a skirt above knee length. Oh hang on! That system of 'logic' works out here too. Godwin - I fear you may have 'gone native' old chap.
Oh, yes, yes, YES! More and more contributions please, so that we keep this thread alive. The higher this blog goes in the rankings, the better!!
Interestingly someone in senior management here at the Men's college confimed that the sackings were about the blog and she said that they couldn't take anyone sacked for that reason!
Why does this not suprise me? A blog which is slamming the piss poor management team from ADWC which demonstrates the animosity from staff towards the management is getting people sacked.
This is a perfect example of exactly what is wrong at ADWC. Management (dumbo, the vulture, Miss piggy and now the Claw) have no idea about "management." They have consistently shown a lack of understanding of human resources, being proactive, creating a team environment or supporting staff. So when a blog which shows them to be just as incompetent as we all know them to be is getting noticed on the net, when potential incoming teachers are telling HR and the hiring group that they won't go to ADWC because of this blog the mis"management" team of ADWC do EXACTLY what we thought they would. They start sacking people (good, decent faculty) because they MIGHT be involved with this blog. Not for any other reason.
As for goodwin... well there always are people who will side with the management and blame the victims.
Should those staff have been sacked? No. Should they have been sacked because of this blog? No. Whose fault is it for them being sacked? A blogger or the entire idiotic "management" team at ADWC? Hmmmm?
Anon July 22: What's his sexual orientation got to do with anything? So you publically outed someone (name & photo) knowing full well what the possible implications could be in this part of the world, all because he spoke to you “gruffly” by surname in the corridor one day. Geez, that’s not only a despicable act on your part, it’s also pathetic!
I agree with the posting on the 22nd - Dmitri did many other despicable things to many people, made people's lives miserable, all the time knowing they had no defence or possibility of complaining. He also did all these things exclusively to heterosexual males, humiliating them at every turn (are you sure orientation has nothing to do with that) many people (good teachers and decent people) left the college because of his behaviour, many stayed and suffered great stress because of him. He is a disgrace an dshould never have any kind of responsibilty in any organisation
Beware all of those living in the Salama Residence...the Claw lurks behind the door of Flat 310. I've noticed plants wilt as they are carried past "her" door!
the claw the claw!
Anon July 23, 2010 3:27 PM: “Godwin - I fear you may have 'gone native' old chap.”
No, it’s not me who’s “gone native” – but take a hard look at yourselves, cheerfully hoisting stuff into the public sphere that you know would certainly fall foul of the various defamation, libel, hate-speech or anti-vilfication laws back in the Western world. You might be able to get away with it here (as long as no one finds out who you are*), but Back Home you know this would not only get you fired, but might also lead to a visit from the boys in blue or even being hauled before the courts.
*oh well, a few innocent faculty might mistakenly get their heads kicked along the way, but seems that’s just acceptable collateral damage right?
If you want to make the case that the ADWC management is not acting in the professional “western” manner we all deserve, what a shame that you think taking the low road is the best way to get your point across: what you’re doing is neither professional, nor effective – as you’ve admitted, the current score is 6-nil and what you're doing puts everyone elses' teaching job at risk.
Anon July 27, 2010 1:39 PM: “As for goodwin... well there always are people who will side with the management and blame the victims”
Wrong - at no point have I apologized for or defended the ADW management.
And Wrong Again - at no point have I blamed the people who were dismissed.
This is just a quick invitation to 'come on over to my place' to read more about the awful HCT organisation and its addiction to degrading humankind.
There are a lot more skeletons to come crashing out of cupboards over the coming weeks!
Godwin, your reminder that we are not in th west(no shit sherlock) is followed by a lengthy account of what might happen if we were in the west. Err...can you spot the flaw in the argument here?
Given the lack of intelligent comment and the general brown-nosing attitudes coming from certain quarters, it's not too hard to spot who Godwin really is, now, is it?!
Godwin - "what you're doing puts everyone elses' teaching job at risk."
No, what this blogger is doing is hopefully putting the management's jobs at risk. The only way this blog could possibly put other teachers' jobs at risk is if the HCT/ADWC's pathetic and incompetent management continue in their positions and in their vindictive and unprofessional ways.
But of course, Godwin (God? Win? Are you a closet bible-basher??) you want them to go, too, I guess - so that YOU can step into their shoes!!
Dearest Poodle,
You really are naive, aren't you? The college you work for doesn't exist for the benefit of its staff, so if management believe the college is better off without certain staff members - the inevitable will happen. Justice, fairness etc = irrelevant. From reading the other comments it looks like management has gotten rid of folks suspected of being part of your blog. I bet most of them were a. male, b. English, and c. complainers without much initiative (probably sailing along in the same job for eons) because that is how you come across. They thought a scatter shot getting rid of that class would get rid of you, too.
At RAK, CLW was a control freak trying to ensure all things came through her. Dr Pelham has probably left ADW because he couldn't put up with that. You folks at ADW just need to make sure that your voices are heard by senior HCT management. Please, please make them clear and reasoned. If you stop your insulting language and your bellyaching about all managers you will have a much better chance of being heard. Always think of what is in the best interests of your students. A stable workforce with commitment to the college mission would be in students' interests. You should be aiming for that. If CLW is up to the same tricks she tried at RAK, you should be making it clear that is your view. I guess some of the sackings you talk about will have been by CLW in advance of the new Director coming so she has killed off the opposition to her control.
anon Aug1.
Godwin isn't god-win, but in fact is a reference to godwin's law (where as soon as you start comparing anyone to a Nazi you have automatically lost any credability or argument you are having.)
I'm assuming that "godwin" picked up that nickname when he/she read the comment earlier which compared HCT and the bloggers to the french resistance fighting the Nazi's (in that example ADWC management).
Someone was trying to be pithy, unfortunately they failed and have just come across as a brown nosing ass kisser...
My God, I go away for a few weeks of very well deserved R&R and see what happens - the goons start taking over!
Actually it's good to see so many comments and a diverse range of opinions. Thanks to all for your contributions and for keeping this site high in the rankings.
I was thinking that The Claw must be feeling more than a little uneasy these days. I guess she was tasked by TK with 'liquidating' the owner of this blog, but all she managed to do was wipe out a few innocent commenters and commentators.
I feel hugely sorry for those guys, but not at all sorry for The Claw, who will have to admit failure twice over - for not getting the Number One, and for having eliminated good teachers unnecessarily.
I can't see her lasting much longer. Perhaps her boxes will be packed for her when she gets back from her blood transfusion in Transylvania?
Thanks for sharing your experiences with HCT. I received an employment offer from ADWC, but I am wondering if Claw is still there as a director. Please help me to decide what to do.
To Anon @ 9:39 --
I was fired from ADWC, probably by the CLAW, after 11 years. It was the director (D. Pelham, who is now assigned to Fujairah) and the HR honcho from Central Services who met with me and gave me the heave ho. But it had to be the CLAW who made the decisons; the director and HR guy did not know me or any of the others who were sacked. The CLAW is the Associate Director which seems to be common with colleges that have multiple locations (be careful - you could be assigned to Kalifa A; you probably will be). There is a new director at ADWC, an American woman replacing the dearly departed D. Pelham. The CLAW is truly dangerous, malicious, capricious and arbitrary. As much as I'd like to say go for it, my instincts say "just say no." Unless you think you can stay under the radar, do one contract, and leave. But ... be very careful.
Well, here we are almost in mid-August and HCT are STILL advertising for teachers! Take a look here:
Desperate, or what?!
That seems to be an advert for January start teachers. I guess they've given up for September starters - which means a LOT of overtime for some of us!!
Surely not - why did they sack people then???
Why? Gentle reader, consider the Scorpion and the Frog...
A scorpion needs to cross a river and calls out to the frog to help ferry it across. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The frog then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them.
When asked why, the scorpion explains, "I'm a scorpion; it's my nature."
But let's relate directly to the CLAW and the ADWC:
There is also a variation in which the final words of the scorpion are "It is better we should both perish than that my enemy should live."
I must admit that the above submission was drawn nearly ENTIRELY from Wikipedia...but, then again, what written submission by the ADWC student body ISN'T???
I am one of those new hires for ADWC who will make a no show. I am too young to die and too dam old to be jumping with scorpions.
Good for you!
Soooo glad I left. I may be paying tax now, but it's worth every penny to be out of that hellish insanity. If you're still at ADWC and really miserable, the real world ain't that bad. Get out while you have the chance of hanging on to some integrity - and certainly before the followers of TK stick their knives in your backs. Or if you opt to sell your soul, there's not much point whining about it...
How sad to read all this. I worked at AAWC for three years from 2005 to 2008 and although the BS and some of the practices got to me occasionally, I had a generally positive experience, good supervisors and lovely colleagues.
The ADWC was a lovely place to work until the last Director left last summer. That gave Kamali a chance to slither in and place his own "managers" in place. They succeeded in running the place into the ground in the short period of a year and ended a horrible year-long experience in having a bloodbath with 1-2 days notice.
I'm sure that those who won't be coming back are a bit relieved to be done with the place. The real concerns are for those who'll be coming back and wondering, on a daily basis, if they'll be treated just as cruelly as those before them.
yes I'm really too stressed to even think about going back there - If the management were just imcompetent that would be fine - but they seem to enjoy inflicting suffering - Steve, Dmitri and the other idiots moved up the greasy pole of management because they were lazy teachers and the students didn't like them, but now they see themselves as having been perfect teachers and the rest of us as scum. I'm really not looking forward to the atmosphere and the behaviour of these people. Still, lets look on the bright side I may be first in their next cull
I got sooo sick of looking at the picture at the top of the post and scrolling down to see the number "69" that I decided to add this to settle my stomach!!!
Ahhh! "70", that's the tonic!
I was enjoying the to and fro of this blog. When I read "commitment to the college mission" from anonymous, it reinforced one thing i.e. management are participating. Poodle must be proud that the "goons", as he calls them, are so seriously worried by his blog that they spend their time trying to rubbish it.
Oh, proud indeed! What strikes me though, is that the HCT goons have not yet taken a look outside HCT (outside 'the box') to see what's going on at other colleges and institutes in the UAE. They could learn A LOT if they did!
UAEU/UGRU - big problems, incompetent management = nasty blog present, evil stuff on Dave's ESL Cafe
ZU - no problems at all (apparently), very competent management = no nasty blog, no evil stuff on Dave's
Do I need to explain further? Apparently I do, for the sake of the wonderful HCT management, who have precious few skills of perception.
And I shall CONTINUE to do so - for a very LONG TIME!
Bless you, PP!
I hear that 'the Claw' has been dismissed from her latest exciting educational posting in Saudi. Can anybody confirm this, or otherwise?
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