Bless them!
"This is to inform you that unfortunately Jeanette Drissi’s contract had to be terminated just prior to the Eid break. A series of epileptic seizures, which occurred at the Khalifa campus led to serious concerns about Jeanette’s welfare.
These type of decisions are always difficult, but it was felt to be in Jeanette’s best long-term health interests. We thank Jeanette for her many years of work at ADWC and I am sure that all of you will join me in wishing her all the best in her future endeavors".What's also odd here is that, instead of just pointing blandly to 'health problems', the Director chose to make Miss P's epilepsy public knowledge. Well done again, HCT - why not just heap the humiliation up even further?!
Wow! This blog is deader that that porker!
Too right. Does this mean that everything is hunky dory now at ADWC? (That was not a rhetorical question, by the way.)
What happened to Miss P.? I heard she wasn't the right 'fit, if you get me.
Hardly 'new' news. is it?
She had had health issues for many years. This was nothing new. In August 2010, the CLAW told me she wanted to get rid of then Director Hodge, Assoc. Director Parsons, Ahmad Al Husan, Miss Piggy,Ms. Farrell, Phil West, Debbie Wheeler, and Steve M who was managing the Khalfia campus. I guess the Pig was the last to go on her hit list
Any word on how long the new Director will last?
God, tell me!!! Steve-o is gone? Mr. Cool has met his match?
Please tell me that that bastard is gone!!!
Hargis will hang on. It's obvious that he's sold his soul to Tubby and the CLAW!
Steve was on her list but I do not know his status. Jane, the Student Services Director, was on the list as well. Jane spent the months of planning for EWB to suck up and seems to have saved herself.
Looks as if Dave wants to leave.
Oh! Darn it! Dr. Dave, the Fathead of Fujairah DIDN'T get the job!
Dear Dave, we are all Devastated for your Dismal Duty to Disavow your professional Demeanor and Destroy more lives in your Disappointing career!
HCT goons be warned (and wannabe goons too) - your prospective future employer will immediately find your record on these pages, and you'll be very lucky to make ANY shortlist indeed.
Welcome to HCT - the Elephants' Graveyard of education!
Dave has a history that pre-dates his HCT work---
The college has been absent a permanent leader since David Pelham resigned in November 2009 after he declared he wasn’t the best fit for the college.
His tenure was marked by a wave of heated board meetings about state budget cuts eventually coming to a head with public backlash over a proposal to eliminate the executive director of the fundraising Cuesta Foundation.
Pelham’s tenure, which began in March 2008, was the shortest of any of the five presidents in the college’s 45-year history.
I hope Miss Piggy had health insurance. Thanks to her stab in the back, my family and I were left without it (since my stupid country has no national healthcare plan).
Shed no tears for Miss P. She got what she deserved!
You mean anyone who crosses you deserves epilepsy??
No, I mean anyone who deliberately humiliates, denigrates and insults many people whilst believing herself to be untouchable deserves their come-uppance (or downance).
Sad, but true. Act like a bitch, die like a bastard. 'Nuff said?
It was probably the mental strain of simultaneously smiling and being friendly and supportive to people's faces while behind their back slandering them and engineering their dismissal from the college that caused her brain to overload.
That's right, the two-faced, back-stabbing, duplicitous approach to managing people does not come without its ultimate rewards!
Looks like Dr. Kathie Hodge is back in the UAE working at ADVETI. I guess she could not get enough abuse. Josephine Farrell landed at the ADMC. I guess they kick her around but not out
Josephine started at ADM. Was moved out of classroom as she was too "strict" for the little darlings. (she took attendance, and wouldn't change grades).
She's protected by her husband, a decent bloke, and assistant to western region director, an outstanding bloke who is tight with HESN, and beloved by the troops.
Just shows that without any contacts, wasta, or whatever you choose to call it, you're always vulnerable.
That's why decent teachers get sacrificed, and why all proper teachers should avoid HCT (and ADWC in particular) like the proverbial rat sandwich.
In the mutant HCT system, you either need your protection against the virus, or have to adapt and EMBRACE it!
Hello, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I'm now on facebook and will consider "friending" you.
Here's to looking for your requests, my "yet to be determined" friends!
OK, I'll be joining you there soon, TK!
Can't find you on facebook, TK. Can you publish the link to your page?
Yeh, I'd like to see that page too. Is it as well-hidden as TK's management skills?
I regret to inform to all of my fiends that I was contacted by the "facebook integrity team" and informed that I lacked any and that I had violated it's TOS by impersonating a human.
Subsequently, I am pursuing these charges through the esteemed U.A.E. Shariah courts and have had a ban placed upon any identifiable facebook.com people.
Your support is expected and appreciation is taken for granted.
On a more heartfelt level...GET YOUR ASSES BACK TO WORK!!!
to let them know what it is like to work at the HCT
I read that you are in fact Suede Oasis of HCT Sucks and that both of you are actually psychopath Anthony Solloway who is currently in a mental hospital.
What's going on? And what did Anthony Solloway do?
The Anthony Solloway HCT Sucks story?
If I were a Visitor to Shanghai
home.wangjianshuo.com › Discover Shanghai › Attractions
6 Sep 2004 – I just wanted to warn the world about what a whacko (read, dangerous psychopath) Anthony Solloway is, and this seems to be one of the few ...
Wangjianshuo's Blog
11 Sep 2002 – Oasis living : Does anyone know why Anthony Solloway was ... Oasis Living : Great to read that Anthony Solloway has been arres : If I were ...
Just WHO is/was Anthony Solloway?!!!!!
I regret to inform my less devoted followers that I am NOT 'Suede Oasis', nor 'Anthony Holloway', and most certainly not a psychopath. In fact, my psychiatrist assures me that I'm quite normal!!
@Poodle Pelham
Well you would say that, wouldn't you? But clearly you have a problem with reading. The OP said Anthony Solloway and NOT Anthony Holloway. But what exactly did alleged psychopath Anthony Solloway get arrested for? Is this the beginning of a clampdown on dissent?
The dirt on the Anthonyb Solloway arrest ( whoever the fu*ck h is!)
"I am not all surprised that there is so much interest in Anthony Solloway fro Al Al Ain Men's College getting arrested and put in a mental hospital where he belongs. Anthony Solloway came to Oman from Hong Kong I where he had had a lot of trouble with everybody and where he had written a pathetic book criticizing everything in Hong Kong called "Does it really have to be like this?" Of course nobody wanted to publish rubbish like that so he published himself (what a loser!). Then we went to work at the HCT in Muscat. I worked there too and they were very nice people in my opinion. But he wanted to do everything HIS way (as always) and he was very upset becasue he thought that he was cleverer than anybody else ( What a deluded idiot !!!!!). He then got a job at the Men's College in Al Ain and opened a malicious site attacking HCT. Th rest as they say ids history. I'm very glad the psycho is history for me, too!"
Posted by: Sylvia Lum Yu Po on April 7, 2012 7:41 PM
There certainly seems to be something in this. The comments on here about Anthony Solloway and on the Chinese sites and so I'm reliably informed on Dave's ESL Cafe suggest he was a backstabbing shit who got what he deserved. Does anybody know if the British Embassy are doing anything to help him?
From what I can gather the British Embassy have washed their hands of Anthony Solloway. People tell me he was the author of the www.hctmuscatsucks.com site. This was very different from the Suede Oasis site. Whereas Suede's site had a genuine reforative function Anthony Sollway's www.hctmuscatsucks.com site was purely malicious.
This Anthony Solloway's www.hctmuscatsucks.com site really seems to rattled some chains!
In this post from the HCT Sucks site Suede Oasis, HCT Sucks Camp Boss, Herr Suede suggests that Anthony Solloway may in fact be more than one person. An interesting observation or is teh Suedester trying to distance himself from the hctmusactsucks site? Whatever the case that's probably a wise move. If Anthony Solloway is not yet currently incarcerated, I reckon he ought to be lining up for the next flight out of the place. I smell something in the air and that soemthing is Retribution!
Anyway, here's Suede Oasis in his own words:
April 8, 2012 2:20 PM
Suede Oasis said...
So really, I'm this Solloway character, am I? I see that the Goons at HCT have shown their exemplary management skills and insight again!
BTW, has it never occured to my followers, be they disgruntled or ungruntled, that SO might just possible be more than one person? And I don't mean bipolar, mateys!
Posted by: Academic Watcher on April 8, 2012 10:49 PM
Suede really seems to be in the limelight!
Anonymous said...
Fame for Suede! Hurrah!
In this post from the HCT Sucks site Suede Oasis, HCT Sucks Camp Boss, Herr Suede suggests that Anthony Solloway may in fact be more than one person. An interesting observation or is the Suedester trying to distance himself from the hctmusactsucks site? Whatever the case that's probably a wise move. If Anthony Solloway is not yet currently incarcerated, I reckon he ought to be lining up for the next flight out of the place. I smell something in the air and that something is Retribution!
Anyway, here's Suede Oasis in his own words:
April 8, 2012 2:20 PM
Suede Oasis said...
"So really, I'm this Solloway character, am I? I see that the Goons at HCT have shown their exemplary management skills and insight again!
BTW, has it never occured to my followers, be they disgruntled or ungruntled, that SO might just possible be more than one person? And I don't mean bipolar, mateys!"
Somebody is VERY interested in Suede. HCT Goons on a fishing expedition?
April 8, 2012 5:46 PM
Let me inform you: SO is not PP, and is neither AS. They are three separate beings. Yes, the number of people who are pissed off with being screwed around by HCT is more than just one; much more than three in fact.
Just read these pages and all will be clear. HCT was one of the prime employers in the UAE, if not the Gulf itself. Now it's on a par with dogshit.
If you want to be employed by a canine anus, sign up now.
You'll also notice that the number of happy HCT employees who have stepped up to defend their employer is worryingly low. Much less than three; perhaps even fewer then one.
Go figure, assholes!
The Anthony Solloway story seems to be the biggest thing in the TEFL world in the UAE at the moment.
In a thread appearing under the DANGERS OF THE UAE section at http://www.uaeuniversitywatch.net/apps/forums/topics/show/7563049-what-s-all-this-about-an-arrest-
Tefloider and Suede Oasis discuss Anthony Solloway:
Lots of weird stuff being reported at a few places:
Anonymoussaid...This Anthony Solloway's www.hctmuscatsucks.com site really seems to rattled some chains!
In this post from the HCT Sucks site Suede Oasis, HCT Sucks Camp Boss, Herr Suede suggests that Anthony Solloway may in fact be more than one person. An interesting observation or is teh Suedester trying to distance himself from the hctmusactsucks site? Whatever the case that's probably a wise move. If Anthony Solloway is not yet currently incarcerated, I reckon he ought to be lining up for the next flight out of the place. I smell something in the air and that soemthing is Retribution!
Anyway, here's Suede Oasis in his own words:
April 8, 2012 2:20 PM
Suede Oasis said...
So really, I'm this Solloway character, am I? I see that the Goons at HCT have shown their exemplary management skills and insight again!
BTW, has it never occured to my followers, be they disgruntled or ungruntled, that SO might just possible be more than one person? And I don't mean bipolar, mateys!
Posted by: Academic Watcher on April 8, 2012 10:49 PM
April 8, 2012 6:03 PM
Is this the beginning of the jackboot stamping on a human face for ever? And just who is Anthony Solloway and what is www.hctmuscatsucks.com? A gogle search comes up blank. A cover up? Again!
April 8, 2012 at 12:36 PM
Yeh, I'm lookin' forward to the outcome of this one meself!! As they say, all publicity is good publicity.
April 8, 2012 at 5:22 PM
Interest in this from Hong Kong
The Hong Kong connection?
I worked with AJS in HK, he caused so many problems that I left...he then began making blogs making up the most insane stories about myself, then the headmaster, next the staff when they wouldn't back him up, & then the school, even actually trying to get it closed down, but failing in his complaints because he refused to reveal his identity to the HK authorities...& I actually got my car insurance rebate because of the authorities inquiries...thx Antony
There have been many blogs created by AJS, in my name, that have been closed down...but there is still one on google where u can see his distinctive style...you can also see some of the closed down ones...but rest assured I copied all of the blogs & insane emails that he sent me...those emails being so dark & vicious that I reckoned him to be possessed...I tried to ignore him, but he went on for years...unbelievable & he must be really off his head to have spent so much time doing this...
Anyway, if anyone would like any copies of this stuff, then just email me jonmoustakas@yahoo.co.uk
If someone could forward to me the story concerning his goings on in UAE, & elsewhere come to that, I would appreciate it
Many thanks !
John Moustakas
Posted by:John Moustakason April 9, 2012 7:56 AM
Thai Bart said...
I met Anthony Solloway in Oman. We both worked at the HCT in Muscat. And we both had articles published in the Salalah CT Journal. Mine was about how I didn't have a clue how to control reluctant learners, and his was about how he didn't have a clue how to teach reading to people who couldn't read well already. I said to myself 'fair enough mate' and called it a day and moved on. But he had it in for the place and started the www.hctmuscatsucks.com site. He tried to involve me in his sick project, but I told him where to shove it!
April 9, 2012 5:42 PM
Anthony Solloway's possible motivation for his www.hctmuscatsucks.com site explred here:
I wonder if this is why psychopath Anthony Solloway author of www.hctmuscatsucks.com hates Arabs so much?
" This surname of SOLLOWAY was an Eastern Ashkenazic Jewish name from the Yiddish word SOLEVEY (nightingale). The name was of Slavonic origin. This is one of the large class of Ashkenazic surnames taken from the names of birds; in some cases it may have been chosen as a nickname by a cantor. The name has numerous variant spellings which include SOLOVEI, SOLOVEJ, SOLOWAY, SOLVAY, SOLOVEICHIK and SOLOWEICZK, to name but a few."
Posted by: Ancestor Watch on April 10, 2012 5:24 PM
Anthony Solloway's www.hctmuscatsucks.com makes it into Wikipedia.
Anthony Solloway British English teacher and creator of www.hctmuscatsucks.com
Posted by: Ancestor Watch on April 10, 2012 5:44 PM
www.hctmuscatsucks boss Anthony Solloway makes his punchinthefacebook debut!
You are invited to punch Anthony Solloway in the face as often as you want.
Posted by: Al Ain on April 13, 2012 1:57 AM
I see that more than 1000 people have punched www.hctmuscatsucks creator, Anthony Solloway in the face on
Wow! What exactly went down at HCT? I guess Anthony Solloway must have been up to to his old Hong King style dirty tricks
I've just punched Anthony Solloway in the face myself!
Apart from being punched in the face by 0000000s of angry people www.hctmuscatsucks.com boss Anthony Solloway has been abandoned by his buddies at the UAEU! What kind of comradeship is that?
Look at this discussion about him on the http://www.uaeuniversitywatch.net/apps/forums/topics/show/7563049-what-s-all-this-about-an-arrest-
I'm sorry Tefloider but you still haven't provided evidence that Anthony Solloway was arrested and imprisoned in the UAE. It does seem odd that if his offending original blog was about HCT in Muscat, why would he be arrested in the UAE?
Unless you provide solid evidence in the next three days, I will have to delete this whole thread. to maintain our good reputation, and simply because this site is about the UAE and our employer, UAEU.
What has Anthony Solloway and his experiences in Hong Kong and Oman got to do with UAEU?
April 13, 2012 at 7:51 AM Flag Quote & Reply
Limited Member
Posts: 10
Rose Bud at April 13, 2012 at 7:51 AM
I'm sorry Tefloider but you still haven't provided evidence that Anthony Solloway was arrested and imprisoned in the UAE. It does seem odd that if his offending original blog was about HCT in Muscat, why would he be arrested in the UAE?
Unless you provide solid evidence in the next three days, I will have to delete this whole thread. to maintain our good reputation, and simply because this site is about the UAE and our employer, UAEU.
What has Anthony Solloway and his experiences in Hong Kong and Oman got to do with UAEU?
This must be my fault. I obviously haven't spelt it out clearly enough. As far as I can tell the story goes like this this:
Anthony Soloway works for the UAEU in Al Ain. Prior to this he worked in HCT Muscat and started the copycat (Copying HCT Sucks!) www.hctmuscatsuckscom site. As all traces of this have now gone other than cached search returns for people searching for the source of the website it's pretty clear that the authorities in Oman have closed the site down and removed all virtual traces (although one or two cached things come up on a couple of search engines.) All that remains are the references to the www.hctmuscatsucks.com site ( and to the fate of its owner) on various websites and blogs, some off which I have linked to here.
Frankly, for an investigative website you appear not to have your ear to the ground! Why can nobody on this site provide further details? And the notion that Anthony Solloway's 'experiences' in Oman have nothing to do with what has happened to him at the UAEU is naive beyond belief. The UAE and Oman authorities cooperate closely. Any actions carried out in Oman have consequences in the UAE and vice versa. The only protection foreigners have are their embassies and their friends. With regard to the former , they generally do nothing and with regard to the latter your callous attitude suggests that they cannot be relied on either.
This thread is a case study of the dangers of the UAE. Your total lack of concern for Mr Anthony Sollowway who, friendless and unnoticed, appears to have simply disappeared is one more example of just how dangeroous this region can be for the naive. Go ahead. Delete the thread and let the final fate of Anthony Solloway be on your conscience.
April 13, 2012 at 8:29 AM
www.hctmuscatsucks.com creator Anthony Solloway is now so 'unpopular' that he has achieved 1st place on Punch in the Face Book.Anthony Solloway has been punched in the face more than 5000 times!
Infamous UAEU English teacher Anthony Solloway achieves yet more notoriety according to Wikipedia.
Anthony Solloway British author and alleged creator of www.hctmuscatsucks.com Another notable accomplishment for Antony Solloway is holding the record for the most punches in the face in a single day (5,359)on Punch in The Face Book.
'Thai Bart' is not the person they claim to be either. Although they seem like a fairly benign impostor. This is all so Twilight Zone! I won't come back, this kind of weirdness spoils your day.
I feel sorry for John Moustakas too. I know how what he is talking about spoils your day as well. Although I guess that is the intention...
This two-faced backstabber is now a teacher at Cliff Park Junior School in Norwich. God help the people she works with.
The fact that she went from Primary school teaching to HCT, and then back to primary level again, speaks volumes about the intellectual demands of HCT!!
And the intellectual abilities of Miss Piggy.
Apparently her nasty, backstabbing ways have got her fired again. Now she's working at something called The Earthsea School in Norfolk. God help the people she works with.
Google Anthony Solloway.
Anthony Solloway is behind bars. Anthony Solloway is a nonce.
Anthony J Solloway is in prison. Anthony Solloway is a pedophile. Tony Ludwig Solloway has finally been caught. The Rurik Jutting of Brighton: https://www.mylondon.news/news/local-news/paedophile-teacher-caught-gatwick-over-17775815
What, my old friend Anthony Solloway? Anthony Jonathan Solloway? I never thought he’d be busted for this. It’s like Al Capone for tax!
Anthony’s pal, Rurik Jutting,
Stanley Prison, Hong Kong
Anthony Solloway a depraved child abuser? Who’d have thought?! Apart from all those who have ever met him.
Anthony Solloway, this is Rurik again. I have 1 min of internet access in Stanley Prison. Are you out of jail now? What does freedom taste like? Come and see me in HK old friend!
Anthony Solloway free and me in prison for full life sentence?! We always said it would be the other way round! Keep well Tony Solloway, I miss our dastardly plans.
Anthony Solloway is a depraved deviant sociopathic monster. He’s also under the ilusion that he’s an intellectual, despite having the writing skills of a drunken wombat. To top it all he has the worst halitosis known to man or beast. Always be wary of people who abuse animals, it’s a short hop to much more serious crimes: Exhibit A - Anthony Solloway, aka Tony Solloway.
Point taken, dear above. You wouldn’t be one of his parents, by any chance, would you?
I think that was from his Mum, nobody else has said such gentle words about Anthony ‘Ludwig’ Solloway. Apparently he was the case study inspiration for ‘We Need to Talk about Kevin’.
I can believe that!
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