It’s taken some time for me to gather the energy and inclination to write this but I feel that the cruel nature of The Claw (Chris Luscombe - Whyte) is amply illustrated by this story from back in the days when she worked at a previous HCT outpost. Basically I was one of three teachers who were sacked by The Claw on the flimsiest of pretexts. However we were soon reinstated upon appeal by a certain trustworthy and honourable individual whose name I’ll not mention (mainly because The Claw never found out about this side of the story and she might still find it in her wicked self to devise a suitably mean and inhuman form of retribution for this person who still works for HCT).
One afternoon the three of us teachers were sat in the Faculty lounge when one of the Admin minions entered the room and informed us that we were needed by The Claw immediately in her office. To make sure we didn’t dawdle we were escorted to the office by a security guard who just happened to be around. In The Claw’s office we were told that a certain matter had been brought to her attention and that we would have to leave the college premises after clearing our desks (half an hour was given for this task). Apparently we had all been involved in unprofessional behaviour on the previous day’s field trip which had involved certain female students and we were thus guilty of gross misconduct.
Of course the truth was nothing like this and the allegations were totally baseless. But The Claw refused to listen to us and had clearly already decided that we were to be dismissed without even hearing our version of events. As the college director was away on business we had no choice but to duly clear our desks and were escorted off the premises – an entirely humiliating experience for all three of us.
Fortunately one of us had a decent connection (read wasta) with one of the locals and we were able to see him that very night and explain the situation. In fact he knew one of the families involved in the so-called incident and was able to verify the real facts immediately. In turn he was able to inform his HCT contact of the matter and we were assured that everything would be resolved the following day. And indeed the next day we were called back to work by the college. No apology was offered to us and we were made to feel that we were lucky to keep our jobs. The Claw never even offered a word to defend her gross and unprofessional behaviour and in fact shunned us all from that moment on. The director made no subsequent reference to the revoked dismissals either.
I’m glad that all of us three teachers are sufficiently distant from HCT and the evil influence of The Claw to be able to make this story public now. In fact I’m sure there are many similar stories to be told about HCT and The Claw. For those who have to work with (or rather against) her, I offer my sympathies – but remember, things will only get better once you are outside the reach of such unprincipled dogs..
"unprincipled dogs" - that's a bit rich coming from POODLE Pelham!!
More to the point, it's a bit rich coming from you, Steve!
That guy Solloway gets even more publicity! Why is he SO popular?
According to that well known EFL expert Academic Watcher:
According to sources in Al Ain, Anthony Solloway the creator of the www.hctmuscatsucks.com libellous website and possibly the HCT Sucks site and very oddly a frequent contributor to Al Ain magazine Oasis Living is a teacher at UAEU Writing Center and not at the Men's College as stated elsewhere. As suggested on the Dave's ESL Cafe website (http://forums.eslcafe.com/job/viewtopic.php?p=1014047 Don't believe this slanderous site) this person needs to see a psychiatrist immediately!
Posted by: Academic Watcher on April 11, 2012 11:09 PM
Just WHO is this guy, and has he really been incarcerated for his own good?
@ Poodle Pelham
Whoever Anthony Solloway is he seems to have upset the apple cart so much that he has been punched in the face nearly 10,000 times on Punch in the Face Book. By all accounts he was in Al Ain at the Writing Center but now just seems to have disappeared. We really live in a dangerous place and without mates to watch your back unspeakably awful things can happen, which appears to be the case with this guy.
There is a photograph of Anthony Solloway on Punch in the Face Book.
He just looks a typical gormless TEFL teacher.
Apparently, she (as an assistant vice-provost's substitute associate directoress of Khafkaresque top heavy micro-management) has something to do with CERT or whatever it is going to be called soon..anyone know anymore....?
God help CERT and all who work there!
HIS initals are TM...like BM, but with a twist and he should be eliminated immediately for his disparaging remarks about Lynn and I behind our backs!
A little bird told me so...
"Chair", my ass...he's barely a compitent teacher...
Who is:
she (as an assistant vice-provost's substitute associate directoress of Khafkaresque top heavy micro-management)
Can anyone confirm that www.hctmuscatsucks leader Anthony Solloway died during interrogation?
" Old Pal2 said...
From what I can gather, Anthony Solloway www.hctmuscatsucks mastermind died in the cells. Nobody helped Anthony Solloway. Despite Anthony Solloway's death, he has been punched in the face 22,000 times on:
Where were you when Anthony Solloway need your help?
April 20, 2012 6:19 AM
Interrogation for what? Insulting Islam? Being a prat? Who knows...!
BTW, Happy Hit-day, ADWC Campers. This blog registers 40,000 hits today!!
@ Anonymous. Your suggestion that www.hctmuscatsucks mastermind, Anthony Solloway died during interrogation because he was a prat is very possible. In his Hong Kong days Anthony Solloway was hated by thousands!
The Anthony Solloway story seem to have come to a close but there are still unanswered questions:
Nazi Watch said...
I see the 'dead' Anthony Solloway is now advertising his book on that neo-Nazi site UAUE Watch. Turds of a feather really do flock together.
April 26, 2012 1:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think you meant that dead Anthony Solloway was advertizing his book on neo-Nazi site: http://www.uaeuniversitywatch.net/
April 26, 2012 3:08 PM
Anonymous Coffin Watcher said...
I can confirm that Anthony J. Solloway former UAUE teacher and creator of www.hctmuscatsucks had a quiet funeral in the UAE. Nobody was allowed to view the body but the police and soldiers in attendance assured us that these were the remains of Anthony J. Solloway. There were mutterings that we were not allowed to view Solloway's body because it had been beaten horrifically, but this was denied by the uniformed clergyman.
April 27, 2012 8:38 AM
Moriarty casts doubt on the death of Anthony Solloway!
If www.hctmuscatsucks.com boss, Anthony Solloway, is dead how come he is going to be appearing at the Sharjah road Show on May 24th?
Posted by: Moriarty on April 27, 2012 8:30 PM
The Muscat Confidential site seems to be following the Anthony Solloway story.
Concerned ParentApr 27, 2012 06:33 AM
Can anybody on Muscat Confidential make any sense of the reported arrest and subsequent death of a former Muscat English teacher?
The bizarre thing is that this person is now a celebrity on Punch in the Face Book.
It's all very odd
Conspiracy TheoristApr 29, 2012 03:32 AM
@ Concerned Parent
As you say this whole Anthony Solloway story is unusual. Or is it? Google searches reveal nothing except reports of what once was. And it appears that this Anthony Solloway (a former Muscat teacher) set up site attacking his former employers, speakers of Indian English ...and His Majesty. With that in mind rumors of an arrest are not without some possible foundation. And if it hasn't happened yet then I reckon it will pretty damn soon!
Concerned ParentApr 30, 2012 12:36 AM
Thanks for the information on Anthony Solloway. Elsewhere there is the suggestion that the embassy have covered up his death. very weird!
Coffin Watcher said...
I can confirm that Anthony J. Solloway former UAUE teacher and creator of www.hctmuscatsucks had a quiet funeral in the UAE. Nobody was allowed to view the body but the police and soldiers in attendance assured us that these were the remains of Anthony J. Solloway. There were mutterings that we were not allowed to view Solloway's body because it had been beaten horrifically, but this was denied by the uniformed clergyman.
April 27, 2012 8:38 AM
I confess! I am AJ Solloway, and I am ... erm, dead.
@ Poodle Pelham
Seeing as you were Anthony J. Solloway, what did you actually do to become so adored in some quarters and yer reviled in others?
@ Truth Seeker
Adored? Are you mad? Anthony Solloway ( dead or alive) has been punched in the face 55,000 times on Punch in the Face Book.
The Anthony J. Solloway extravaganza continues on teh Muscat Confidential site!
• Jane McFarlandMay 3, 2012 1:25 AM
I notice that Mr Solloway is advertising a book on an Islamophobic hate site!
Frank ZappaMay 3, 2012 1:28 PM
I see that Anthony Solloway has been punched in the face on Punch in the Face Book an extraordinary number of times. another first for Oman!
Little WeedMay 4, 2012 9:42 AM
@ Jane McFarland
If you actually go the UAEU University Watch site, they confirm the death of Anthony Solloway and advertize his book as a tribute to his courage.
Concerned ParentMay 8, 2012 7:13 AM
What I find so strange about this whole Anthony Solloway www.hcttmuscatsucks.com malarky is how information seems to be being controlled. For example there have been several threads on Dave's ESL Cafe which have either been closed or deleted. Is somebody really trying to hide something here as Conspiracy Theorist says?
Lucy BirrellMay 10, 2012 6:51 PM
The UAEU University site that Anthony Solloway advertizes his book on or on which his book is being advertized is so insulting to Islam and Arabs that Mr Solloway is either a very foolish man or a reckless one. If I were in his shoes, I'd contact the site and demand that they remove my book. The fact that this has not happened suggests to my mind that he is in sympathy with the Islamophobic, Arab hating sentiments of the site.
@Suspicious in Al Ain
Muscat Confidential now propose that all this Anthony Solloway www.hctmuscatsucks.com business is Solloway hyping his book OR Punch in the Facebook!
Concerned ParentMay 11, 2012 7:59 AM
I'm beginning to suspect that this whole Anthony Solloway www.hctmuscatsucks is an attempt to hype Mr. Solloway and his book. Either that or someone is hyping Punch in the face Book! I don't usually give conspiracy theories much credence, but it has been suggested that the proprietor of Punch in the Face Book is none other than Anthony J. Solloway. Notice that Anthony Solloway has now received 124,000 punches! Note too that the site advertises a public punching of Anthony Solloway in Sharjah on May 24th, 2012, from 13:00 – 17:00, at Sharjah Women’s College (HCT).
This is either hype, or something much more sinister!
Another 'interesting' slant on the long- running Anthony Solloway caper.
What's it all about Anthony? said...
Muscat Confidential now seem to think that pissed off book readers are behind all this punching of www.hctmuscatsucks creator, Anthony J.Solloway. The theory is that his book reviews are so puerile that book lovers have ganged up on Anthony Solloway!
Book ReviewerMay 16, 2012 1:38 PM
This notion of Anthony Solloway's death just being hype rings true to me. He seems to be a devoted self-publicist, carrying out a plethora of online book reviews that exhibit such a poverty of serious thought that they cannot have been made other than to get his name in print. Perhaps irritated visitors to Amazon are finally shouting, 'Enough!'
May 17, 2012 6:05 AM
Muscat Confidential are really going to town on this Anthony Solloway www.hctmuscatsucks.com story!
Old TimerMay 17, 2012 7:39 PM
Wow. These posts about this Anthony Solloway mystery are really food for thought. They show what a shady world expatriate life in the Gulf can be at times. This Solloway ‘case’ reminds me of a suicide by an Indian RAFO sergeant about 25 years ago, which was according tot the bush telegraph a little bit more sinister than that. I wonder if anyone else remembers that case?
SOAF ArchivistMay 19, 2012 7:18 AM
@ Old Timer
Ah, the Sergeant Gill demise! I remember it well. He was allegedly victim of 'Muscat Indian Mafia' retribution. As you imply this Anthony Solloway www.hctmuscatsucks business does show that Gulf expat waters can indeed be troubled at times. I wonder if anything will go down at the reportedly planned public shaming of Anthony Solloway in Sharjah in the next few days. Have Hi FM got onto it yet I wonder! Will they be organizing contests so that folk can win tickets!
With nearly 250,000 punches on Punch in the Facebook it look as if Hi FM need to charter a few double deckers!
So, did the unfortunate Mr Solloway get a pasting at the Sharjah HCT do? And is he REALLY also 'Suede Oasis'?
Would really appreciate some info on this!
The word is the very unfortunate Anthony Solloway didn't appear in Sharjah and thus avoided what would have been a very painful experience. Anyway, I hope the sadistic lunatics who have hounded him are proud of themselves. A very minor HCT goon said that his contract would not be renewed after all this infamy. It seems that THEY think he is Suede.
Which surprises me not one bit. The Goon Squad at HCT couldn't even spot a swan on a beach, such is their lack of observation skills. SO must be laughing his proverbial socks off right now!
Maybe this Solloway guy is really Poodle Pelham?!?
Both Poodle Pelham and Suede Oasis seem good natured folk. In contrast Anthony J. Sollowayseems to be as malicious an attention whore in the UAE as he was in Hong Kong. If he's anybody he's that Arab and Muslim hating fruitcake Solon on that loony UAE University Watch site.
@ The Critic
Anthony Solloway must be a prat of the first order,
A third of a million slaps!!
Anthony's mucker said...
I see the unfortunate Anthony Solloway has now accrued more than 335,000 punches on Punch in the Facebook and that a public shaming at the airport has been organized for when he leaves the UAE.
June 7, 2012 8:00 AM
Keep up-to-date with Anthony Solloway's antics on Namepedia.
It's very obvious that Anthony Solloway and Solon from the Islamophobic UAE University Watch site are one and the same. In Hong Hong Kong, the universally hated and despised psychotic Anthony J. Solloway exhibited the same thirst for notoriety - hence choosing the name Solon, which so approximates his own real name.
We can continue to spit poison at this wretched winch...it's fun.
Or, we can have a new posting.
Really! It's been since April!
HCT hasn't slowed down...or in British English "Slowndown"...
...why should the blogs???
Well, the truth is that I've been promiseds several "hot stories", but the cooker seems to be switched off.
Perhaps we could get one from the "horse's mouth", eh, TK?
I'm waitin' on yer, buddy!
Wot?!? That I like to crossdress, shave my legs with whipped cream and have my minion hench(wo)men fire underlings with impunity?
Nut'tin' knew 'dere!
How do yas like my newest avatar with one of the wicked that I deploy along with Casper the Wretched Spawn?
I'm trying to find one wid lover-boy, Munns.
Shame on you, Tubby. I mean, why is Munnsey your lover - boy?
According to him, i tickle his tonsils!
Usual shenanigans are in order at ADWC's sister college, ADMC...
All CERT EMPLOYEES were turfed out of their working space at Abu Dhabi Mens yesterday (just as they were going on vacation). Told NOT TO PANIC, a political decision coming from the highest hind quarters in the land. That's how transparent the directive was.
Also the usual spate of last day firings with no rhyme or reason in that sad apology for an educational institute.
Great they kicked Simple Simon Jones out, after so many squandered years of being a non director who should really have been working in a fashion college. But will things get worse under the new regime with HCT's awful record for hiring the worst managers in the world and paying them the best salaries in the world?
Very interesting. Please tell more!
Simple Simon to be replaced by Anthony Solloway perhaps!!
Solloway Agent said...
I hear that Anthony Solloway's Punch in the Facebook performance (nearly 1/2 million slaps) has won him a top goon squad position at ADMC. Watch out all those rascals on here who ribbed him. He'll have a list of names!
July 7, 2012 1:34 PM
Anthony Solloway, www.hctmuscatsucks.com creator seesm to be as infamous as ever!
Alfred Adler said...
I see Anthony Solloway's www.hctmuscatsucks.com site is up and running again. He must be taking a break from writing excruciatingly badly- spelled critiques of educational systems and fat-boy reviews of Al Ain eateries. What a lonely old world it must be for poor friendless Anthony Solloway.But I suppose he has his own, self-created, notoriety on Punch in the Face Book.
July 17, 2012 10:55 AM
Keep up to date with crazy Anthony Solloway on Namepedia.For a great laugh where Anthony goes for the Guinness Book of Records 'Most writers mentioned in a paragraph', check out Anthony's book.
Very excellent job. Take a look at my website if you have the chance:
OMG, The Claw has turned up here, at a shit 'college' in Saudi!
God help them ALL!
Apparently, she (as an assistant vice-provost's substitute associate directoress of Khafkaresque top heavy micro-management) has something to do with CERT or whatever it is going to be called soon..anyone know anymore....?
Keep up to date with crazy Anthony Solloway on Namepedia.For a great laugh where Anthony goes for the Guinness Book of Records 'Most writers mentioned in a paragraph', check out Anthony's book.
Glutavia Beauty Drink
The Claw has fallen even further - she is now reduced to hawking her mediocre teaching skills as an English Teacher in Milton Keynes, UK!
Time for a celebration, methinks!
Google Anthony Solloway. He is now behind bars. Good riddance to the child abusing filth bag.
What happened to the HCT Sucks blog?
The Thought Police had it arrested and interned!
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