The fact has emerged that the Associate Dean of ADWC, Rula ('The Ruler') al Kayyali, was behind the sackings - which is no surprise at all. She was moved away from her previous post at ADMC because of her inability to work with her colleagues and her failure to perform at a suitably professional level. Now it seems that she is once again revealing her true vindictive and spiteful nature, this time at ADWC, by choosing to end the careers of well-respected and talented teachers. Hence the nickname of 'The Vulture' - she waits for her prey to expose or injure itself, and then pounces.
The pattern seems to be clear here - that clearly incompetent and unprofessional HCT senior managers are very keen to get rid of those staff who (a) they perceive as more popular than them, and (b) make a single step out of line. The fact that the supervisors of those teachers who were sacked did nothing to protect them also points out the well-known fact that, at HCT, the supine approach to management is the one that works best.
Another thing to point out is that her academic qualifications are invalid. It's common knowledge at ADWC that she paid somebody to write her Masters dissertation, and this is borne out by her weak grasp of English and her general lack of subject knowledge. In fact, it's an embarassment for ADWC to have such a talentless fraudster around, but they can't dismiss her due to her high-level contacts both inside and outside the HCT organisation. So 'The Ruler' relies on wasta to keep her afloat - what a surprise!
And so the show rumbles on . . . and on . . . and on!