The fact has emerged that the Associate Dean of ADWC, Rula ('The Ruler') al Kayyali, was behind the sackings - which is no surprise at all. She was moved away from her previous post at ADMC because of her inability to work with her colleagues and her failure to perform at a suitably professional level. Now it seems that she is once again revealing her true vindictive and spiteful nature, this time at ADWC, by choosing to end the careers of well-respected and talented teachers. Hence the nickname of 'The Vulture' - she waits for her prey to expose or injure itself, and then pounces.
The pattern seems to be clear here - that clearly incompetent and unprofessional HCT senior managers are very keen to get rid of those staff who (a) they perceive as more popular than them, and (b) make a single step out of line. The fact that the supervisors of those teachers who were sacked did nothing to protect them also points out the well-known fact that, at HCT, the supine approach to management is the one that works best.
Another thing to point out is that her academic qualifications are invalid. It's common knowledge at ADWC that she paid somebody to write her Masters dissertation, and this is borne out by her weak grasp of English and her general lack of subject knowledge. In fact, it's an embarassment for ADWC to have such a talentless fraudster around, but they can't dismiss her due to her high-level contacts both inside and outside the HCT organisation. So 'The Ruler' relies on wasta to keep her afloat - what a surprise!
And so the show rumbles on . . . and on . . . and on!
I heard recently that The Vulture has been given a spot of 'southwards promotion', at last. Any truth in that one?
I heard that too. Wasn't she once Associate Dean, and now she's been downgraded?
She's probably working as Chief Library Shutter-Upper, or something like that. It's about her level, and she can push others around by pretending that she really knows what she's doing (which she don't - we ALL know that!)
I heard a rumor just yesterday that there will be no merit pay this year. I don't know if this is just ADWC or the whole of HCT. Can anybody confirm or deny this rumor?
It wouldn't surprise me - it's just the sort of kick-in-the-balls trick that these bastards would pull to save a few thousand dirhams. And with no thought to the effect on morale, clearly.
if it's true, it's probably because of this blog. maybe it's tk's idea, to punish all the adwc inmates for their insolence! guess he's not fond of the photo either; not a wise move, really.
seems that you was right, anon. no merit pay, system wide, and no reason why. just the sort of treatment to expect from hct top management; total contempt for those who work for them and produce the country's educated workforce. they haver no shame!!
I think that the comments left about the "Miss Piggy" are unfair. I quite like the lady and I think that she is just that...a lady. She is the most humane person that I've dealt with at this particular college and I fully support her. She is a pleasure to serve under. Full stop!
Thanks for that comment, Miss P. I think you'll find there's a large consensus of opinion that would prefer phrases such as 'two-faced', 'backstabber', and 'untrustworthy' when it comes to her managing teachers.
And that hairdo - Jesus Christ!!
The comment above in defense of Miss Piggy may well reflect the poster's experience, but it certainly does not reflect mine. Let me guess, you are a female and you are not American. I repeat what I said before. My treatment by Miss Piggy was absolutely disgraceful, unfair and ourtageous, and all who knew of it agreed. She has her favorites, and they have nothing to fear. Lucky for you that you are clearly among them.
I must second the negative comments regarding Miss Piggy. Never in my life have I been treated in a manner so spiteful, unprofessional and cruel as I was by her. I made the mistake of crossing one of her “flying monkeys”, so when it came time for Miss Piggy to observe me, she bent over backwards to find fault with everything I did. The trivial, ridiculous and outright fictional mistakes she accused me of were utterly preposterous, laughable and obviously intended to establish a case for not renewing my contract. I have years of experience and a bulging file of glowing evaluations from students and supervisors alike, so I knew Miss Piggy’s criticisms did not reflect my ability to teach. Nevertheless, I was devastated because I knew then and there that I had no future at HCT and would be out of work in a matter of months. That’s bad enough when you are young and single, but when you are middle-aged and have a family to support, it’s terrifying.
And true to Miss Piggy’s two-faced nature, did she make these criticisms to my face? No, in our meeting to follow up the observation she was positive and upbeat. I’m no fool. What I heard from her in that meeting made me breathe a sigh of relief. It was only a few days later when I received a copy of the written evaluation she had given to Nic “The Bully” Gara that I learned what a two-faced backstabber she is. The “trivial, ridiculous and outright fictional mistakes” mentioned above appeared only in the written report. She hadn’t had the nerve to say them to my face. I was stunned. But she wasn’t through. She had to twist the knife. She ordered me to observe other teachers in order to learn from their example. Among the teachers was the “flying monkey” who was the cause of all my grief in the first place. Miss Piggy was well aware of this and clearly meant to humiliate me. I refused.
No, I’ll never forget my treatment at the hands of Miss Piggy. I warned many about her in the years that followed, and I warn anyone who works at ADWC now—be very careful of this awful women. Don’t let your guard down and watch your back.
I'm sorry for both of you. I can understand how many can feel differently about one person. I am not her and I HAVE been warned of her, but to date the personae of which you speak has not revealed itself. Possibly you are wrong or you are right as to my personal situation. I have great respect of the lady. I have also heard of her bias of different nationalities, but haven't observed that as well. I realize that I could be dancing with the Dragon...but I think not. Hopefully, amongst reasonable people, folk can agree not to agree.
P.s.- Her hairstyle is her personal choice. Who are you to comment?
The cock-sucking toady known as 'Dimbo' is another one to keep clear of - a crude mixture of incompetence, arrogance, and pure two-faced spite. Ugh!!
I guessed it wouldn't be long before Dimbo made an appearance here. He was the worst boss I ever worked for, deffo.
So full of himself, yet SO unable to offer anything constructive to the teachers. A conceited little prick, no two ways about it.
And, as we used to say, when he wasn't up his own ass he was up another guy's. Disgusting, really.
Bad news indeed . . . will somebody please tell me it's not true?! There's a very ugly rumor circulating here that The Ruler is being sent back to where she came from - ADMC!!
It's amazing how HCT manages to shuffle around its management shite, rather than just giving it the push that it richly deserves. If she was a teacher, she would have been shafted a long time back. But no, she has some wasta, and she gets to keep her job.
Sucks, eh?
I shall enjoy making the lady's acquaintance again. She is clearly a star in HCT's rich source of talented managers ... erm, I mean the meanest bottom-feeder in a large pool of sleazy operators.
Welcome back, Rula. Some of us have been waiting a long time for your return!
Any more news on ..erm....staffing at ADMC?
ADMC has been spared the unbearable presence of The Vulture. I presume they read this blog! Latest news indicates that she will be shuffled off to Central Services, to some position where she doesn't have to interact too much with humans.
Carpark Gatekeeper would be a good choice, but I suppose that even there she would be make such a spectacular balls-up of things she'd piss everybody off in no time.
Sounds like we dodged a bullet there then. Thanks KE.
Any news on the current location of this evil piece of shite? We need to know!!
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