Oh, look now, there she goes - cruising along one of the hallowed corridors of ADWC, her tent-like apparel billowing in the wind that her corpulent transport produces. Mind your backs! And for more than one reason too . . . . .
To slightly misquote from Wikipedia, "Miss Piggy began as a minor character at ADWC, but she gradually developed into one of the central characters of the show. She is a pig who is convinced she is destined for stardom, and nothing is going to stand in her way. She presents a public face of the essence of feminine charm, but can instantly fly into a violent rage whenever she thinks she has been insulted or thwarted."
If you don't believe me, just take a look at some of these comments, posted by past victims of Miss Piggy . . . . .
From Dave’s ESL CafĂ© . . .
Just reading this gave me flashbacks of the despicable treatment I received at the hands of the aforementioned Sesame Street character. She is the very definition of two-faced. She'll smile to your face and stab you in the back as soon as you turn around. I know. The scar in my back aches as I write this. Working for her was one of the worst experiences of my career. I pity those who are there now, especially males and especially Americans - she hates both and plays favorites.
From this blog . . .
Miss Piggy - “a loathsome old dragon”, “aged and overweight dumpling”, “finally waddled right off her cake-laden trolley” . . .
I can hardy wait for the next instalment in which we hear of the gruesome twosome, Dimbo and Miss Piggy. I have no doubt that Miss Piggy is sucking up to the new boss. She's such a two-faced brown nose.
Fruit Machine said...
Thanks for that comment, Miss P. I think you'll find there's a large consensus of opinion that would prefer phrases such as 'two-faced', 'backstabber', and 'untrustworthy' when it comes to her managing teachers. And that hairdo - Jesus Christ!!
Anonymous said...
The comment above in defense of Miss Piggy may well reflect the poster's experience, but it certainly does not reflect mine. Let me guess, you are a female and you are not American. I repeat what I said before. My treatment by Miss Piggy was absolutely disgraceful, unfair and outrageous, and all who knew of it agreed. She has her favorites, and they have nothing to fear. Lucky for you that you are clearly among them.
Scott said...
I must second the negative comments regarding Miss Piggy. Never in my life have I been treated in a manner so spiteful, unprofessional and cruel as I was by her. I made the mistake of crossing one of her “flying monkeys”, so when it came time for Miss Piggy to observe me, she bent over backwards to find fault with everything I did. The trivial, ridiculous and outright fictional mistakes she accused me of were utterly preposterous, laughable and obviously intended to establish a case for not renewing my contract. I have years of experience and a bulging file of glowing evaluations from students and supervisors alike, so I knew Miss Piggy’s criticisms did not reflect my ability to teach. Nevertheless, I was devastated because I knew then and there that I had no future at HCT and would be out of work in a matter of months. That’s bad enough when you are young and single, but when you are middle-aged and have a family to support, it’s terrifying.
And true to Miss Piggy’s two-faced nature, did she make these criticisms to my face? No, in our meeting to follow up the observation she was positive and upbeat. I’m no fool. What I heard from her in that meeting made me breathe a sigh of relief. It was only a few days later when I received a copy of the written evaluation she had given to Nic “The Bully” Gara that I learned what a two-faced backstabber she is. The “trivial, ridiculous and outright fictional mistakes” mentioned above appeared only in the written report. She hadn’t had the nerve to say them to my face. I was stunned. But she wasn’t through. She had to twist the knife. She ordered me to observe other teachers in order to learn from their example. Among the teachers was the “flying monkey” who was the cause of all my grief in the first place. Miss Piggy was well aware of this and clearly meant to humiliate me. I refused.
No, I’ll never forget my treatment at the hands of Miss Piggy. I warned many about her in the years that followed, and I warn anyone who works at ADWC now—be very careful of this awful women. Don’t let your guard down and watch your back.
Anonymous said...
But is she any worse than some of the other fruitcakes that have been in senior and middle management at ADWC over the years? I was screwed up by Miss Piggy, Nic Gara and Trish Cole several years back. It's a long story, but essentially I was falsely accused by a student. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that the accusation was nonsense and all but these three and a handful of their flying monkeys believed me that it was nonsense and supported me.
However Nic Gara and Trish "The Shrew" Cole and Miss Piggy crucified and humiliated me. There was nothing to gain by supporting me, so they didn't. It was more expedient to destroy me and tell the vice chancellor that the matter had been taken care of. To say it was a nightmare is an understatement. It utterly devastated me and my family. Now I can see the same thing happening to others .... so just hang on and work your notice before seeking pastures greener.