Next is the fearsome faggot 'Dimbo', who could have pipped Miss Piggy for the number two slot, had his clutch of female followers voted in sufficient quantities. Must try harder next time, eh, Dimbo? And learn how to do your job properly, rather than bitching like the ageing bum-bandit you are!
The back marker appears to be the unfortunate Rula Al-Kayyali, also known as 'The Ruler', or more aptly 'The Vulture'. This shining example of quality Middle East management garnered a mere 8% of the votes, and appears to have dropped off the ADWC radar recently, so perhaps her masters have taken note of her lack of ability and removed her to a more suitable post - selling stationery in the ADWC shop?
Anyway, thanks to all of those long-suffering rank-and-filers who voted, and I hope that you are happy with the findings. Meanwhile, does anybody have a suggestion for the next ADWC poll?!