Over the past few years I have enjoyed depositing my tasty morsels of turd-like toxicity, revealing the numerous scandals, corruption, and typically obnoxious bullying that personifies the ADWC management. However, life needs to roll on forward, in a different place and at a different pace, so 'Poops' here has decided to drop no more anal cup-cakes on these well-visited and highly respected pages. It's all over - woof-woof!
Of course, if any of my followers (past, present, or future) have any exciting stories to tell about ADWC, please pass them on to my better-educated and more dedicated colleague, Suede Oasis. I'm sure that you all know where to find him, but just give a little click here if you don't.
So, it's a fond farewell, and thanks for all the pork. Sorry, I mean fish, of course!
Curse you, Red Baron!!! (Shaking fist at the sky!)
Hey Poops, I heard that your 'international removals business' involves human trafficking - is that right?
Here's another knee-slapper!
It's at least the third video presentation where I've heard him say "Here, (fill in the blank), is where my wife, Kaye, and I want to settle down and retire.
Upon viewing this last interview, I fired the dog...
Poops, you should be grateful for all the bones (of info) that we've tossed your way over the years!
'Poops' will only be grateful when HCT throw HIM the bones that he reckons they still owe him.
Could be a long wait, eh, King Tubby?
We'll miss U, PP!!
A wise move, PP.Now that I am running the show, your days were numbered anyways. Thanks for all the info on contributors that the site has provided. I shall us them to decide who goes and who stays.
My feeling is that YOU won't be around for too long either, AJS. "All over by Christmas", I'd say!
@ Raja Karma
I've already worked out who YOU are, Raja Karma. Start packing your bags my lad! When Anthony J. Solloway gets going, you'll get going!
Yeh, he's that guy who washes your car for 5 dirhams at the ADWC car park!
Raja, I mean, not Solly...
The Anthony Solloway story so far then is:
1) Anthony Solloway starts a malicious website.
2) Anthony Solloway is arrested in the UAE.
3) The UAUE University Watch site reports that Anthony has died in custody.
4. Anthony Solloway rises like Moriarty from the dead.
5.Anthony Solloway becomes a record breaker on Punch in the Facebook.
6. Anthony Solloway is hired to run education in the UAE.
Am I the only person for finds this far fetched?
In the UAE, being an incompetent nut-job are essential requirements for administrators. Anthony Solloway will do well.
Quite a few HCTeachers share those attributes too!
Bye Greg!
Greg? Greg WHO??
Must be the queer one, right?!
Oy! Hands offa that one, mate! THAT Greg is one of the nicest blokes there! Go after Steve-o's lover...Jo the Pro...
Oh, right. Is SHE the one behind this blog, then?!
Lawks a-mercy! Do you guys STILL not know the truth yet? Oh, my days...
Come on then, Suede - spill those beans for us all!
Ah, hell! Time to throw down...or up, depending on how much you like looking at that skank!
An end to it? Not at all!
Congrats to ADWC for getting rid of another director and associate director after 2 and 1.5 years of service. The chairs are shaking in their pants. Why don't they fire those chairs, the real backstabbers and unprofessionals, who also conform to every new director?
HCT is really, really a strange place.
Absolutely true. Images of a dysfunctional family, or even the Adams Family, come to mind when thinking of ADWC.
Unless you really are desperate for income, just give the place a very wide berth.
Like the word "dysfunctional family" at ADWC. Someone said "Hunger Game"
To Anonymous (June 29) ... absolutely agree
Salaries are about to be 'slashed', I hear.
Any confirmation of that?
Both housing and salaries to be cut.
Probably very true. Salaries and housing heavily 'trimmed', and larger classes too.
Time to LEAVE!!
It's all going belly up. Anyone with a shred of self respect and dignity would leave this traumatic and abusive environment.
No, not true. Anyone with an ounce of self-respect and dignity would have left years ago, when the the writing was still fresh on the wall.
Now it's too late. You'll get shafted as soon as you put in your notice now. And serves you right too!
All hail king kamali and his minions
Absolutley agree to June 29 and July 15. Also thanks to all your comments and posting because those who are considering to join HCT can learn. Those who are planning to join HCT, READ ALL and THINK CAREFULLY. Anyone with the integrity would never join or leave as soon as he/she arrives unless you are desperate for money.
O.K, O.K., O.K., look...
I've kept quiet while rumours of my demise, albeit premature, have been bandied about on this, so-called "internet engine".
Well, I can take it no longer! I am losing sleep thinking how upset people seem to be over my firm hand on the tiller of the HCT yacht.
So, here it is: I have instructed my very capable aide-de-camp, Senthil to forthwith pay out any HCT/CERT employee who wishes to separate from our fine set of institutions.
Furthermore, I have pledged to issue comprehensive and stirring references for all who want to avail of this offer.
ACS stands ready to receive your separation requests.
HCT yacht? more like The SS Hellboat. Have you reverted to your policy of firing people who are taking lunch breaks or using the washroom TK?
No, that's what Associate Directors are for.
And so that leaves you free to terrorize low level clerks and security while petting your poisonous cobra Senthil on the head...
That's about the size of it.
Whoa! You're way too switched on to be working for me!
You wanna job?
Oh my God, and so begins another season of pretending to teach in a pretend college. Can I take anymore of this? I doubt it very much...
At this point the HCT is in a death spiral. The HCT has always had management issues, but never package/contract issues. Clever but cynical people did their jobs and lived their lives, which is why you never saw much on this forum apart from malcontents. However, new management has translated into serious problems. It's November and there is no info about new contracts or packages. Stay away until things are sorted. You've been warned.
Absolutely right, Benny (above). The new management have even decided to fire Steve Munns!
They can't fire my Stevie-boy! What will become of his sweet-tart, Jo the Pro???
Off to the knackers yard, where she belongs!
OK, so what's the news on the new contracts offered to ADWC inmates? Any surprises?
So, what can I say about HCT? My college used to be a decent place to work at, which is probably why I stayed there for six years. But I quit when the management changed dramatically and the place became a toxic environment for teachers.
In short, it's no place for real teachers now, and HCT is rapidly becoming a magnet for those who are pepared to dump any true educational values that they might have once possessed.
The incoming 'Chair' had no clue about syllabi and motivating teachers to give their best, but acted as if she had invented the very process of teaching. Even worse, experienced teachers came to be treated very harshly, with the least experienced being given the most responsibility.
So if you have indeed lost your teacher's soul, HCT is very probably the ideal place for you. But if you have just a single ounce of dignity and integrity left, give this place a very wide berth and find something better.
Dear Readers,
I have received a few requests to bring this blog back to life.
Do any of you have any preferences aboout that?
You abandoned us. Why should we rally to you. A person of conviction would have kept the blog alive. Now, it looks like a load of whingers...
OK, fair comment. But if anybody from ADWC does have any 'interesting news' to share, I'd be happy to publish it on this site still.
See y'all
You're welcome to come back, Poops. I could do with some company round here. Cyberspace can be SO lonely!
Wow - another 350 attempts to log into this blog from Russia this week!
Somebody sure is trying REAL HARD to take this site down - but they will NEVER succeed!
"HCT – School of deception & fear"
Current Employee - Assistant Professor
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook
I have been working at HCT full-time for more than 5 years
Nice and friendly workmates.
That's it.
1. While paying less and less (because of cost of living increases), more and more is required of faculty in terms of research, advising, needless paperwork. Most faculties teach 4 classes per semester starting Fall 2019, with multiple preps.
2. Ticket Benefits for westerners got reduced approximately from 9750 AED to around 6,000AED.
3. Education benefits reduced per child from 60,000 to 45,000 AED. If you have two kids, then the maximum is 60,000 AED. It was 120,000 AED two years ago.
4. Starting September, an assistant professor can teach 4 classes. However, according to an email from VC of A, if needed, they can assign an additional class without an over time.
5. Summer teaching is mandatory without compensation. The upper management refused to pay overtime during summer. Furthermore, this is not included in the contract.
6. HCT has no ranks among well-known universities, even in UAE. In fact, it is not listed anywhere. You would hurt your career if you joined them.
7. Rank promotion is NOT recognized among well-known and respectable universities.
8. Almost impossible to get a rank promotion, because they are making it very difficult due to financial reasons.
9. They sacked several faculties over a dispute with female students, even if the female student at fault. In fact, two faculty sacked. Avoid teaching in female campuses if you have to.
10. In summer, faculty are expected to work thirty hours per week, while other government universities are off for summer break. In fact, HCT is the only educational institution that forces faculty to teach in summer.
11. Faculty don’t have offices; instead; they reside in an open office environment. Similar to help desk cubic desks. A very noisy environment with no privacy. Students can walk among the cubicles freely.
12. You will always hear about happiness, yet; no one is happy with the upper management.
13. Any simple mistake can result in a warning letter; simply a work environment fear culture
HCT treats trained faculties like salves. This institution is doing great in demoralizing faculties and putting them down. The upper management constantly lies to you and practice every manipulation technique. HCT can modify the contract, which reflects negatively on your allowances. We lost a lot of our allowances (travel, schooling,…) due to changes that happened recently. Deans, division chair, and worst program coordinators have no control or say. As a matter of fact, administrators have more authority and influence than faculties.
Ironically, they are coming in July to recruit westerners. If you have any respect for yourself and your experience, don’t join this place.
Advice to Management
Start treating your academic with respect. Stop slashing benefits.
Hi guys, just come on over to my blog for an update on the walking disaster that is HCT!
I look forward to welcoming yous all!
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