Read all about it right here! The crazy goings-on at Abu Dhabi Wankers' Camp ... er, sorry - Abu Dhabi Women's College!

Monday, November 15, 2010

STOP PRESS - CLAW makes late appearance!!!

Yes, that utterly loathsome old dragon, the HCT Goon with the sweet voice honed on cut-glass, and the knife all ready to plunge into your back, has finally made her belated appearance on

I'm sure I don't need to invite you all to give the fat tart the whacking she so thoroughly deserves, but . . . I'll do that anyway! You can find the old bitch here:

Gosh, and it looks like King Tubby's been there already! Way to go, badboy . . . !!


Anonymous said...

Cheap therapy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she's cheap alright!!

Anonymous said...

Harlot, much? And to think that I felt sorry for her concerning her gimp relative. Well, I guess that everything's relative!

When you set out to ruin people's lives to further yours, then EVERYTHING'S on the table! Bitch!

Khalifa Exile said...

This must be a great day for HCT. Three of their top Goons are in the punchinthefacebook top 20!

There's King Tubby leading the field at 8, The Claw has entered at 12, and Dr SiJo is propping up the team at 15.

Happy holidays, guys!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure by now, Jo Probert has had enough opportunity to become BFF with her. They compliment each other and that's the way Jo operates, you know, sitting around in the staffroom laughing at the appropriate moments and constantly taking mental notes for later reportage.

Poodle Pelham said...

Yes, 'Jo the Pro' (as in Professional) has carved herself a fair old niche as a staff plant - or should that be grass?

More of a weed, actually...

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's "Jo the Ho"!

Anonymous said...

As in "ho-ho-ho"?

HCTears said...

The latest rankings from reveal that The Claw has slipped to 14th position, just one behind King Tubby.
The current leader is SiJo, aka Osimon bin Jones, from ADMC, who has stormed into 9th position on further evidence of his lack of management skills.
Well done Simon, boyo!!

Anonymous said...

Why on earth is she still here? Her only purpose is to cause misery to other people - She's hated everywhere she goes, why doesn't she get the message?

Anonymous said...

Think of her as anti-heat flares thrown out by aircraft flying into a dangerous airfield so the plane might survive a launch. She's the flare and Tubby's the plane...only she's too dumb to figure that out as are the Provost and the other Ass't. Provosts.

Poodle Pelham said...

Two very good reasons to be cheerful for all HCT faculty members. Firstly, this blog has exceeded 10,000 page views - thanks to you, so very well done!

Secondly, the 'terrible trio' are currently snuggling up together in the bottom reaches of the Top 10 on Kamali's at number 8, just one spot above SiJo, with The Claw holding the side up at number 10.

Keep your 'votes' coming in, dear faculty (and managers)! Let's keep our beloved leaders in the Top 10 at least until the new year!!

Suede Oasis said...

Another reason to be cheerful is that ADMC's 'Taffyban' leader, Osimon Bin Jones, has stormed into the number 1 slot on a late surge of votes which has seen his total treble in 24 hours!!!

Oh, there ain't nothin' quite like popularity, is there, SiJo?!?