Read all about it right here! The crazy goings-on at Abu Dhabi Wankers' Camp ... er, sorry - Abu Dhabi Women's College!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Those Poll Results!

Well, I'm more than happy to finally reveal the results of the 'Who's the biggest management wanker at ADWC?' poll, a popular venture which received a mighty 213 votes. The barchart below clearly shows that the most despised HCT Goon at ADWC is, without doubt, 'Doctor' Christine Luscombe-Whyte, a.k.a. 'The Claw'. This grisly specimen of HCT control-freakery managed to attract 37% of the votes cast, no doubt for her despicable management techniques and general all-round dislikeability. Well done, Chrissy-babes!

Following up some way behind, but still with 23% of support, was the bloated management entity known as 'Miss Piggy'. No doubt she'll be popping an extra cream donut between her large yellowing teeth in celebration - or will she be disappointed at missing out on the number one berth?! Sna-a-a-rllll!!!

Next is the fearsome faggot 'Dimbo', who could have pipped Miss Piggy for the number two slot, had his clutch of female followers voted in sufficient quantities. Must try harder next time, eh, Dimbo? And learn how to do your job properly, rather than bitching like the ageing bum-bandit you are!

The back marker appears to be the unfortunate Rula Al-Kayyali, also known as 'The Ruler', or more aptly 'The Vulture'. This shining example of quality Middle East management garnered a mere 8% of the votes, and appears to have dropped off the ADWC radar recently, so perhaps her masters have taken note of her lack of ability and removed her to a more suitable post - selling stationery in the ADWC shop?

Anyway, thanks to all of those long-suffering rank-and-filers who voted, and I hope that you are happy with the findings. Meanwhile, does anybody have a suggestion for the next ADWC poll?!


Anonymous said...

That 'fearsome faggot' Dimitri is about as feared as a neutered tabby cat these days. Last semester he was observed being nice to teachers - even 'sucking up' to them! - and they weren't necessarily gay! It seems that somebody 'had a word' with him about his lack of motivation skills.

And it certainly wasn't before time~!

Anonymous said...

I heard that he wasn't being renewed. Is that why he is now charming? Hoping to stave off the bad news?

Anonymous said...

Heavenly news indeed! If Dimbo is indeed not renewed, it will be the first non-renewal based on incompetence, rather than spite, for a long time.

And who will be stepping into his place? Surely not the infamous veggie brown-noser and snake-in-the-grass, JoThePro - aaaaagh!?!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Dimbo's reputation as a spiteful, bitchy and demotivating supervisor follows him back to Australia or whatever place he decides to move on to.
No teacher should have to suffer his pathetic management skills, and any language school considering hiring him as a a Director of Studies should be made fully aware of his history at chasing talent away because of his selfish stupidity, incompetence, bitchiness and arrogance.
This person lacks the basic decency of a normal human being.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Dimbo's management toolkit featured two items - flattery for those he liked, and intimidating those he didn't.

It's amazing how far one can get with such a slim toolkit, but he has now found the limits of his imcompetence.

RIP Dimbo - failed actor, mediocre teacher, and talentless 'manager'!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Rula the one with the bogus MA or something? Maybe she's been put in charge of Academic Integrity!

Khalifa Exile said...

I can't really see Dimbo getting another job in education (although the farce that is 'education' in the ME region might be happy to take him on).

I mean, any prospective employer has only to google 'dmitri psiropoulos' and all is revealed.

Never mind, Dimbo - as you have sown, so shall you reap!

Anonymous said...

Dimbo has EIGHT friends on FaceBook!

I mean, how the HELL did he become so popular?!?

Anonymous said...

But you have to discount the old dykes (former ADWC teachers) and family members.

That leaves about THREE!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it about time Dimbo was put on as well as just being on Facebook?!

Anonymous said...

He's there now!!

Anonymous said...

Well the new semester is well under way, and many teachers are wholly disheartened with all the shenanigans at the farm.

Worse still, standards have recently plummeted and the punters have become feral.

It's all very sad & predictable, and none of us can see it changing at any time soon.

Perhaps it's time to be making plans ...?

Bubba said...

Makes me glad of the "redundancies" June 8th last. Bigger and better things to be had and all that rot.

Eventually all "birds" come home to roost.

Khalifa Exile said...

Nice to hear from you again, Gary, and that all is OK. Seems like your unwarranted 'ousting' last year had a silver lining after all!

Bubba said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bubba said...

Yes, and thank you. Instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water, it winds up that the paranoid geniuses who made the fateful decision to disrupt not only the lives of innocent professionals, but the MORE THAN innocent lives of their spouses and children, threw this "Br'er Rabbit" into the Brier Patch...probably the worst and best decision that they made in their entire lives.

One hopes that the others were equally successful in enjoying the extra 6 months of pay and given the opportunity to bring joy to the lives of grandparents who hadn't had as much time as this year to enjoy their grandchildren!

Now, if they could only organize a circular firing squad the dirty deed would be complete! :)

Anonymous said...

I thought Rula was gone and that the leadership had changed with a new Director and Associate Director.

Bubba said...

The last time that I saw her, she was observing the comings and goings of the Business Dept.

Ya know, kinda like a vulture watches its next victim as life slowly slips away?

The word at the time was that they'd found her a window to look out at ACS.

EnglishTeacher365 said...

Ah yes - "observing the comings and goings", just like the uneducated Beadle, Mr Bumble, in one of Dickens' classier works.

But can ADWC be compared to an English workhouse? Hardly, but the vindictive nature and lack of education of The Claw would appear to be a tight match!

Take a look at Mr Bumble's wife too - another close resemblance, I'm sure you'll find!

Suede Oasis said...

I really do believe that EVERY college in the HCT system should have a poll like this.

If the interested parties would like to send me a list of HCT rogues and inadequates to nominate for a poll, I'd be very happy to host it on my blog.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Suede Oasis said...

I have heard that 'Dimbo' managed to crawl his way back into somebody's favor and rescue himself. So he'll still be around next year - oh, what a BONUS for the college!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we're all looking forwards to working under the talentless faggot for another year. Yeah, really . . .

Tayeb Kamali said...

He has successfully contended to me that he isn't a "faggot" if he doesn't swallow!

After watching him suddenly run from the room after a "counseling session", I am convinced.

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless, he remains quite talentless.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine that - no annual increment, no bonus, AND you get Dimbo as your "stupidvisor" for another year.

Oh, such are the JOYS of ADWC!!

Anonymous said...

How did you calculate this (dis)popularity contest? I looked at the punched face site and saw the RAK guy was bleeding all over, with a punch drunk glazed total memory loss look.

Sorry, I shrank back from the awful image and couldn't find the heart to inflict even one more blow. Poor ole geezer. shouldn't he be in the sunshiney new mexico new retirement eternal rest home? Why do they hire residual academic stuff like this at HCT? Who does the recruiting for directors? It's one old pathetic ancient male gringo after another. Losers headhunted from the world's worst or most obsure universities.

Wake up, Sheikh Nahayan. It's time to reinvigorate HCT. You have left it too long in the hands of an ageing ancient generation of erstwhile visionairies who have become sad old burueaucrats in their golden years. They are groaning old men who have not failed to acquire the wisdom of old age because you have cushioned them with so much material comfoert.

Who has the vision now?

Anonymous said...

Sure, it used to be a great place to work at, until some six or seven years ago. I'm just SO glad I got out in time, as what I hear nowadays from my former colleagues makes me wince ... or cry ... or just laugh in amazement.


Anonymous said...

You're all bitches that need to go get a life and stop making fun of people. idiots i swear ...

Anonymous said...

Now then temper-temper, Dimbo!

Or is The Claw, trying to throw her considerable weight around here?!