Of course, behind all the recent shenanigans there lurks the evil shadow of The Claw (pictured with her trademark sickly smile alongside), who has been busy at work undermining the sound and principled work of Dr Hodge. For example, several English teachers were recently ‘asked’ by The Claw (a.k.a 'Doctor' Christine Luscombe-Whyte) to switch departments to fill the gaps caused by HCT’s inability to recruit staff to teach IT and business, for example.
Now, this is most irregular, as faculty appointments are usually made based on a candidate’s qualifications in their respective area of specialisation. Indeed, it’s essential to have properly qualified staff for accreditation purposes.
Amazingly, it has since emerged that this open manipulation of staff has been carried out by The Claw entirely without the approval of the College Director. In fact, several teachers have reported being given the choice of either ‘agreeing’ to change departments, or finding alternative employment elsewhere. Such sparkling management and motivation techniques are the trademark of much-despised management goon known as The Claw, of course!
Inevitably, such abysmal treatment of the college’s most valuable resource – its teachers - will only lead to a bad situation becoming even worse. Resignations have been predicted to follow shortly ... and not just the ADWC Director’s!
And where will all this leave ADWC? Already unable to recruit enough teaching staff of sufficient calibre, it will now be reduced to scraping the barrel and forcing even more square pegs into round holes. The next academic year should therefore be a critical one for the college, and only a complete change in management can avoid the total meltdown of the place.
Well said PP. I'm only glad that I'm off soon and don't have to watch the inevitable demise of a college that was once a great place to work at.
Erm, she was sacked actually - the Director, I mean, not The Claw.
Nobody of any real talent will ever last at ADWC.
Meanwhile, the tyrants and talentless rumble on in their dirty duties . . .
No, I rather feel that she's just using it as an excuse to be so unspeakably evil. More like "I've suffered, so you will too".
Utterly loathsome woman, should have been put down years ago.
As professional educators your vitriol and attitudes (especially towards her child) are appalling. You are way out of line and acting like a year 8 student instead of educated professionals. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
There are many VALID complaints re the claw, adwc and hct... why under gods green earth would you drop to these incredibly immature levels of behavior? I hope you never have a child who is ill, injured or who has issues.
Who dares wins.
I see that The Claw's apologist (or The Claw herself, probably) makes no mention of the pain that she has inflicted over the years on good teaching staff, turning their lives upside down by sacking them on mere pretexts.
Can you possibly imagine what it's like to be told, completely out of the blue, that your contract is being terminated with immediate effect and you have a few weeks to collect your things together, leave the country and find new schools for your kids? Can you even conceive of the emotional stress that sort of cruel treatment causes?
I don't see any care and compassion in that at all, so why should we extand any to The Claw? She is a woman who is driven by vitriol herself, and deserves every ounce of misfortune that comes her way.
Sympathy for the Devil? No way!!
That apologist is probably 'Jo the Pro'. Put my next salary on it, in fact!
1. I was very happy to see "the CLW's" backside. Exceptionally pleased. Personallya and professionally I detest her. My years in/around her have left me bitter in many ways. I was so pleased i did a little jig.
2. Sorry... not jo the pro... (but if you want to have proof, i'll gladly take your next months salary)
3. You have valid complaints of her treatment of you, but you decide that you will mock her child who is an invalid? ReallY? How christian.
4. You don't have to attack her personally as it is BENEATH you and just makes you look like a kid, not a professional.
5. if you want to be taken seriously then keep it professional.
6. not disagreeing you got shafted.
7. Don't go after her kids. Some things are off limits. Did she go after your kids in a public place on an anyon forum? yes or no? Then don't go to that level.
8. as for you being sickened... you might want to take a good look in the mirror as you try to justify you actions and words.
No you did not "indirectly" attack her family. On June 14th you directly stated
"You'd think that someone with a gimp kid would have a little empathy for mankind. Maybe, Allah knew what she'd become, so He struck first..."
That isn't indirectly anything. That is openly mocking this womans pain. Openly mocking her children. That isn't indirect. Nice attempt to justify boorish behaviour. It is still boorish, childlike behaviour.
You want me to address the excuses... oh points you made? I did. You were shafted. No Duh. You were treated badly. No Duh.
There is NEVER any reason to descend to the level you displayed in going after someones kids in a public place.
For someone who is
"Well, I'm at peace with what happened to me. I gotta lot of really nice sentiments from those I left behind as well as getting all that was coming to me as they didn't have a "leg to stand on" if we had taken them to the Labour Court. And, my son is thriving in his new school...an' ain't that what it's all about?" You sure seem bitter and genrally nasty. So trying to justify your behaviour by stating how horribly treated you and your family were.. when you posted this? Your son is THRIVING...
Your justification is just that, an attempt to excuse bad behaviour. "It is her fault, I beat her your honour... she was making too much noise. Well if she wasn't making that noise, I wouldn't have smothered her..."
as I have stated REPEATEDLY (do you have reading for comprehension problems? Or just too often projecting?), you got shafted. No doubt. Don't go after peoples kids in a public forum. It is completely out of line, unprofessional and absolutely unnecessary.
(as for who I am... again, if the person who was wagering I was Jo the pro will turn up with that months salary, I'll happily meet all of you and say the same things to your faces about how unprofessional it is to mock someones children on an anyon forum.)
And you are trying to justify your piss poor behavior EXACTLY the way I described it.
It is her fault for firing me, so there for I will say insulting, hurtful things about her kids.
You know, when possible students see all this bitching from former and present staff members, they are turned right off applying to the college.
That is the purpose of all this, right?
How it looks on small island in Croatia. "Take it easy" still of life!
Ah, I see that Poodle's family have come out to rescue him. Yeh, Nik, take PP back to the land of his fathers!
I notice that you never once answered those questions, Christine. You're a fool who fired a good man so you could get his parking space. Those statements stand until you can answer those questions.
Remember, you live in Flat 310.
I could come by tomorrow.
And, I'm familiar in the Toureg that your wrinkled ass drives...
I vaguely knew the CLAW from RAK where I’d spent 6 years prior to transferring to ADWC. She came to RAK Women’s College where I’d spent 4 years but I’d already moved over to RAK Men’s College. I ran into the CLAW at ADWC and she remembered me from RAK. We briefly chatted in the corridor and she asked about parking at her apartment building in AD where I also lived. I probably made a mistake telling her that I’d been lucky to get a reserved spot in the garage – it came with the apartment. Many apartments, including hers, did not have reserved spots and people had to park on the street which was difficult and getting worse by the day. After I was sacked, she managed to get my old parking spot re-assigned to her. Gee, do ya think that had anything to do with my being fired?
It has occurred to me that when I got the axe HCT paid me 17 months salary plus accrued vacation and the other standard allowances when one does the big ma'asalama. If you do the math (I was at the top of the salary scale) we're talking about a serious amount of money. I wonder if a business analysis of the cost of firing me vs the benefit of her getting a parking spot would justify the CLAWs action. Maybe TK should review the decision making abilities of his minions. Nah, never mind, it's never about the money or common sense. They are imperious and do whatever they want. Remember the incredible waste at the annual conferences - laser shows, acrobats, etc?
Yes. Mr. Goodman, she is very capable of such a deed. As you may remember, I, while living nearby, clearly remember being told that management told people there that certain flats were issued inside parking spaces and others weren't...which is why the second of yours and my friend's couldn't find a shady spot.
But, all of a sudden, YOUR spot is taken by the silver Toureg when that flat DIDN'T have a previously assigned space.
I agree...very suspicious.
Anyway, good luck with the semi-retirement. Like they always say, "When one door closes...another one opens up."
Only in HCTs case, a floofgate (of offers) opens up!
I know what some of you are thinking: "nobody would ever fire a subordinate just to get their parking space! It's hideous, quite unthinkable!"
Well, you just don't know The Claw, do yer!!
Still waitin' Christine, you old pile of shite! Either the cat's got yer tongue, or yer off browning yer blotched skin, you sow!
Didja take the rest of the family or jes' hire a nanny to change the nappies?
That was a wonderful posting from Gary. Why are we talking about children? I assume that while Gary has a child, in the CLaW´s case we are talking about an adult.
An adult, who is the child of the CLW. An adult who is now an invalid.... it was boorish behaviour and rather despicable.
Sums up The Claw to a T - especially the 'despicable' bit!
BTW, I heard a whisper just yesterday that one of the innocents that The Claw sacked in June last year has since committed suicide, having been unemployed for a whole year.
Can anybody corroborate this? Is there blood on her hands?
The children of dictators suffer, generally, from the same sense of arrogance and entitlement as their ignorant parent. Assad, the young Gadaffis, the sons of Saddam, Mubarak's heir apparent, and all the rest of them.....
I see that the renowned snitch and wannabee goon, Jo Probert, is now TOP of punch in the facebook!
So what's the story behind this one, eh?
coulda fooled me, I thought the vile new Mexico guy in RAK whos trying desparatelty to turn two good or kinda OK colleges into one bad college yeah he's a total lota loser. Could'tnb they hire folks who know about learning and not just about their own fat ego?
I think you hit the nail squarely on the head, anon above, albeit in your own semi-literate way.
HCT is ALL and ONLY about certain people's fat egos, and has precious little to do with learning. But this is, after all, the Gulf!
the sins of the mothers shall be visted upon the children, according to one old holy book.
Nigel the piloting hubbie was always extremely nice. Chris was a whole different kettle of fish. Nasty as a grinning piranha. She was the kind of flight atttendant who'd want to lock you into your seat for the whole 7 hour flight to make sure you were no trouble, and ordered cabin crew to stare amazed at passengers who dared ask for a second drink. Management kinda kicked all these losers out of aviation and so they ended up in education. God help education.
At least Middle East educationw would have her. Can't imagine her getting beyond flipping bugers anywhere else with accredited colleges and universities.
It should be stop as long as it still early.
Look at what Rudy is writing
Yes, an interesting read, that surely is. And the comments have started flowing already...
Take a look at any of the blogs and you will find that HCT is a cultural shock to many. It does not operate on any known ethical principles. Rudy is at the center of a great deal of the unethical, unprofessional behavior at HCT. It is funny that the CHE is using him as an expert. You really should find out who you are working with before you publish them
Keep your head down, dear Capo!!
It's hard to believe that Rudy who prides himself on srewing faculty out of every day and penny now dares to publish in educational papers.
One day I will publish in reply the true stories of his lack of compassion for teachers with dying relatives. Even TK and S. Nahyan have more of the milk of human kindness than Rudy. I know. I know.
Would-be faculty know they'd hate to work at HCT because Rudy prides himself on being HCT's HR tuff guy just at a time when HCT needs to attract ood people. They do their online research and realize how bad things Rudy has made life, specially for people who have served a long time, or are in search of compassion or have an urgent need to leave.
Rudy may write articles but for an HR person he just ain't human.
Call him out at CHE so others see him for what he is. We know him here
"One day I will publish in reply the true stories of his lack of compassion for teachers with dying relatives. "
Send those stories my way, PLEASE!!
Tayeb is terrified of Rudi. You gotta go straight to the Sheikh now. the sheikh still has a heart. Tayeb still has a heart. Rudi has none. rudi wants to prove himself the heartless bureaucrat to ensure his own survival.
HCT needs to rid itself of heartless bureaucrats and restore its positive image as an employer to be sought after, not shunned. the reputation of the higher colleges of techonology is in the gutter not because of emiratis or sheikhs or vice chancellors, but because of little mindless and emotionless automatons such as sad Rudi
Seems the CHE is editing away the comments on Rudi. Here is what Eddean wrote
Was my comment removed for a reason? It was not insulting nor was it a personal attack. I simply noted that Rudi is not a person, nor is the HCT an organization, that the CHE would want to be closely associated with in terms of their ethical and professional behavior in the UAE. For example, he worked with the ADWC Associate Director to remove the Business Chair and reassign him to another College while the Chair was on vacation. Neither Rudi nor the Associate Director thought to inform the College Director or the Chair. It was their little welcome back surprise.
I used to hold one of the corporate Chair /Professorships as part of the HCT 100 foundation. The sponsoring company paid millions to HCT but I never saw a single dirham added to my paycheck besides the normal faculty salary. My suggestions for follow up were never taken into consideration. It was just a title with no value attached to it. What a sham !!!!
Hello, my pretties!
As you well know, Operation Turning Of The Screws is well underway. How was your first week? The grumbling has reached my ears and, let me let you know, it's as pleasant to my ears as the rumbling of a distant thundercloud about to burst...giving renewed life to the desert. It will bloom as sure as you will.
Erm...getting back to the present operation. The first act, of course, was the unannounced unilateral ending of the annual increments. I had always felt that this was way too much coddling as, just the fact that we have given you jobs, should be payment enough!
Enough of that! I'd like to introduce you to my newest minio...erm...Director.
He gives excellent mustache rides and is sooo much more compliant than that woman!
It is expected that you will give him as much respect that you have for me. Walk by his glass cage every once in a while and have a glimpse. But, BE AWARE, do not STARE...unless, that is, you fancy being turned into a pillar of salt!
He certainly looks the type. :(
Well, do you want to add him to punchinthefacebook.com, or shall I?!
The day before Hargis arrived Martyn in HR, the CLAW's favorite bum boy, called in the Director's Admin Assistant and fired her. The next day the CLAW called on Vera from CERT to "help" Jace. Vera is a spy for the CLAW. She explained to him that she and Vera would help him learn the position. The CLAW then informed his direct reports to first report to her or they would be fired. How long before she gets this Director removed?
I'll give him one semester.
A word of advice to adwc members. The CLAW has so much of influence - you get on her bad side and you are out of there- she has no heart. Rather cut your losses and transfer to another college - make sure its out of Abu Dhabi. I know for some of you that may be difficult with the family settled and kids in school, etc - but trust me its worth it.
The VC knows all the details of the CLAW's personal life. He knows her desperation. He knows her neediness when it comes to a job. He knows all the medical history she confided to him one long day, her family details. So now, as a true bureaucrat, he can use her to dance her oh-so-dainty English steps to his ugly Iranian tune. She is his spy, his not-so-good-time girl, his fly in the crap. She's a desperate woman. Fear her despair.
Do NOT however hope to get from the CLAW what she got from the VC when it comes to cosy chats about your needs. She''ll either exploit you mercilessly and with contempt (as the VC does the CLAW) or boot you out as a loser (as the VC should have done vis-a-vis the CLAW).
HCT: it's a strange strange place.
A guy I knew in CERT a few years ago broke his back trying to commute to the newly set up MZ girls campus and then back to AD/CERT for evening classes.got sacked but the OK MZ director got him a meeting with tubby.Rudi also promised him he'd get reinstated.They both reneged-even when the MZ director wanted him back.
this was a set up by the Lynn Nicks Macaleb-surely she must be worse than the CLAW.Is the Khalifa A campus seperate from ADWC?Doesn't Stephen Munns have any autonomy there?Aren't teachers bussed in?
I thought Lynn was really sweet and on the side of the staff. Is she another claw, or just a sharp little finger nail?
Unfortunately she shares a lot of common features with 'The Claw'. Both of them smile sweetly and sing equally well too, telling you what you want you hear.
And then, as soon as your back's turned, you find there's a target on it.
These two-faced hypocrites are crueller than you could imagine. They have no sympathy, and a lot of disdain, for 'the troops' who carry out the front-line duties every day. 'Sociopath' is the word that comes to mind, for both witches!
Lynn always came across as OK in my opinion. She backed me up more than once in problems with students.
CLAW currently back in the GCC....looking for a new lair
That's no surprise. No Western employer will touch with a proverbial barge pole, her management skills being so poor and toxic. Oh, and they can find out all about that on this blog.
No, her only hope is the Gulf, where she can show off her shallow and vindictive nature to an appreciative audience of ghastly Arab owners and directors.
God help those who have to work with her her in future! Pity the innocent!!
Strange, but 'The Claw' still claims to be at HCT, and has apparently been Associate Director since 1996!!
Oh dear, Christine Luscombe Whyte, how desperate (and despised) you truly are!
Is this loathsome overweight bitch still working? Still ALIVE?!
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