Over the past few years I have enjoyed depositing my tasty morsels of turd-like toxicity, revealing the numerous scandals, corruption, and typically obnoxious bullying that personifies the ADWC management. However, life needs to roll on forward, in a different place and at a different pace, so 'Poops' here has decided to drop no more anal cup-cakes on these well-visited and highly respected pages. It's all over - woof-woof!
Of course, if any of my followers (past, present, or future) have any exciting stories to tell about ADWC, please pass them on to my better-educated and more dedicated colleague, Suede Oasis. I'm sure that you all know where to find him, but just give a little click here if you don't.
So, it's a fond farewell, and thanks for all the pork. Sorry, I mean fish, of course!