The first Education Without Borders (EWB) shindig caused some upheaval among both faculty and management, as no one was really sure what it was all about. The only thing for sure was that lots of fireworks were in order. Two Canadians and one Middle Easterner, (claimed to be Lebanese, but may have been a Syrian, Jordanian or Palestinian), were given the job of putting this together, along with some teachers and “snoopervisors” who did most of the real work.
In the ever expanding desire for more fireworks the project went way over budget, and the two Canadians did not have their contracts renewed. Apparently, the budget problem and the insufficient number of fireworks had caused Sheikh Nahyan some irritation, so a sacrifice had to be made. It was unfortunate (but entirely predictable) that the Canadians were chosen as the blood-offering, because they were both very competent and dedicated employees. The Middle Easterner, unsurprisingly, is still working at HCT.
In my last year at ADWC I was instructed to accompany a group of students to the latest Festival of Thinkers (FOT) affair, as King Kamali was keen to have a packed hall paying rapt attention to Sheikh Nana's gormless introductory drivel. In the end there were far too many students and more than enough flown-in dignitaries, and yet the students and their accompanying tutors were not allowed to go home, or back to college - oh NO!
In fact, we ALL had to spend THREE HOURS huddled in a small back room without any refreshements at all. We did, however, have a wide screen real-time relay of the conference proceedings - without any sound! We weren't allowed to leave until 'His Excellency' had delivered his words of apparent wisdom and left the building.
Back at ADWC I complained about the abysmal treatment of staff and students alike, but I was told to shut up about it. Terrible, really, but it does sum up how little we are worth in their eyes.
The following year I left HCT. Although it was hard to find decent work back in my home country at first, I soon found something much more valuable - I immediately rediscovered my dignity and self-esteem. And that was something much more valuable than the two buckets I had acquired at HCT!
Hmm, an old story, but worth retelling, I guess.
The idea of competent canadians hardly adds reliability.
By the way, pupps, the post is about the festival of thunkers, not education without borders.
So is it true what they say about Canadians, then - that they're just the same as Americans ... but without the wit, humour and money?
Also a College System without leadership. New information about the 'aligned'semesters etc from King Tubby..
Dear all,
I am pleased to inform you of the key dates for the academic calendar 2011/12. These dates have been planned in close coordination and alignment with the academic calendars of all federal universities and the public school systems around the UAE.
HCT will resume for classes on September 4th after Eid Al Fitr. There will be a 3 week break in semester 1 from December 18th 2011 – January 5th 2012 in alignment with the schools. Our students will come back to complete the rest of their 1st semester in January.
In the 2nd semester, there will be a two week mid-semester break for students from March 25th – April 5th, 2012 which is also aligned with the break of the schools and other universities.
Now, would someone explain why the finish of Semester One, the start of Semester Two and the end of Semester Two don't constitute 'key dates'?
Can't help you there, I'm afraid. Nobody, not even TK himself, knows the state of his mind ... or the start and end of semester 2!
BTW, did you realise that you have comitted a treasonable offence by bringing an HCT email into the public domain? Off with your head, infidel!!
Seems like Jo Probert, the well-known veggie backstabber, has made it on to the web too!
Yeh, I think her husband nominated her!
Don't be so outrageous. He wouldn't dare!
Rumours circulating about the possible departure of current Director. The little known of her all seems very commendable - academic qualifications included.
However it seems the Claw has been at work...
Recently some faculty members were told to switch departments to fill in numbers etc. Odd - given that when hired you are told you must have qualifications for the area in which you will teach...and now people are being moved around at will ...into areas they may NOT be qualified to teach...English teachers or IT teachers in Business? Hm.
Some have looked for other Colleges in the system.
Apparently these decisions were taken without the approval of the Director of the College --- again the handiwork of the Claw? the faculty were given the choice of agreeing or finding another college or a soft exit (later taken back).
I think all the above can only lead to a worsening situation - resignations will or should surely follow...
BTW why are the IT or Business Supervisors never mentioned in this blog? No suitable nicks for them? or are they really superior and above reproach in terms of management skills?
All of the above appears to be sadly predictable and very typical of ADWC and The Claw in particular.
PLease provide more details to PP so that we can publish more news and put another nail in the HCT coffin.
Stumbled on this blog & as one of the original cast in this drama found it hilarious......seems little has changed since 1988. The HCT has always 'chewed' thru staff... it's built into the system.
I'm pleased to be providing you with amusement, Anonymous above. The 'chewing' that you so rightly referred to has been going on for many years, and threatens to continue for many more.
HCT is clearly no suitable destination for a proper educator, and the number of teachers at ADWC who have been turned over or fled this year is a strong indicator of that.
Can you be more specific on the turnover at ADWC? Numbers, names, departments, reasons or lack thereof ...
That's a very pertinent question, Anon, but I'm afraid it's difficult for me to give exact numbers and department (teachers' names I would never give), as HCT rules forbid any attempts to share this 'inside information'.
Any such disclosure is considered a crime, and can result (and has resulted) in dismissals, so it's understandable that staff are reluctant to give such exact data.
However, the information received so far, albeit patchy, points to a figure in excess of 10% of the teaching staff who have either left early (i.e. done runners or disappeared before the end of the first year/contract) or been declared 'surplus to requirements'.
Then there are those who have chosen to leave for whatever reasons, be they end of contract or more attractive offers elsewhere. In short, turnover could be more than a quarter of total staff - extremely high if you campare that figure to staff turnover at most western schools, colleges and universities
As for the reasons, it's only necessary to read a couple of postings on this site to discover where the finger needs to be pointed - at the management!
Your guesstimates may be a bit liberal, Poops, but the number of remaining unhappy campers at ADWC is high indeed. However, as internet access is tracked at certain HCT residences, nobody is willing to take the risk of contacting you.
MACBFGU (from Oman!)
HCT management is spying on personal internet usage at private residences? (I suppose the Salama Residence, next to Central Services and where the CLAW lives, is the prime suspect.)Incredible! Time to go.
You mean you didn't know?!
Oh dear...
Good education is the need of future. Many poor areas are lack educative. Need is to reduce its cost. A well renown way is Online education.
Looks like a contribution from a former HCT student - great English there, Mohammed!
The whole HCT is f***ed up from top to bottom
More firing at HCT now
Yeah, like who?
Please keep us posted!
ADWC director got sacked by the end of the semester. He and his iPad integration into classroom. If anyone disagrees, that person gets fired. Now he got it back. Serves him right
Disagreements in an educational institution are not uncommon in the western world. What is uncommon however is using that as means for firing people, which is the very nature of the corrupt HCT. Just like the mafia, if you disagree with the way they run things you get eliminated. And that is the modus operandi of the admins at HCT.
Unfortunately, well educated westerners come to HCT as admins, but soon learn that modus operandi, and operate accordingly whether they like it or not. But better if they like it, for their own good.
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